RMT Have Not Agreed To London Underground Pay Deal

The RMT has not agreed to the recent pay offer from London Underground management. There have been widely repeated stories on the media claiming that all unions - RMT, TSSA, ASLEF and Unite have agreed the latest offer, however this is incorrect.

General Secretary Bob Crow said:

"Despite quotes reported to be attributed to LU in the press, and statements on the TFL/LU website, RMT wishes to make it clear that there has been no agreement on the issue of tube pay and that there has been no recommendation from RMT to accept the latest offer."

Damning Report Exposes True Cost Of Rail Privatisation

A Labour conference report revealed that public ownership of rail could save £1.2 billion and that 71% believe train operators are fleecing the public and only 19% believe railways should remain in private hands.

Reuniting the railways under public ownership could save the taxpayer £1.2bn a year according to a briefing from the Transport for Quality of Life Think Tank to be presented at Labour Party conference today - 28th September.

RMT Executive report leaflet, October 2011

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download a leaflet giving a report of various issues from our union's national executive - our pay claims, the McNulty report, RMT/TSSA merger, Bombardier job cuts, young members, 'know your rights' advice, London Overground, reinstatement campaigns, taxis, reduced-rate RMT membership fees for cleaners, canteen staff and track contract workers, and the latest from our equalities groups - disabled, women, LGBT and black & ethnic minority members - plus a brief guide to how the union's decision-making works..

Management preparations are already underway for driverless trains

“When the Jubilee works are complete there will be three lines in London – the Jubilee, Victoria and Central – which will operate on an automated system,
It is a fact – though not a widely known fact – that as we speak most of the Jubilee Line currently operates under automatic train operation, from Stratford to Neasden.
In other words the driving of the train is done by computer rather than manually

Final Management Proposal for New Surplus and Loss Procedure in Station Ticket Offices-Comments Needed

As has been previously reported LU management have been consulting with RMT and TSSA on a proposed new Surplus and Loss Procedure http://www.rmtplatform.org.uk/node/1028.

They have now given us a "Final Version" which they intend to implement shortly.As we have reported at each stage of this process RMT have put forward our proposals,some of which have been included in the New Procedure but most have been ignored.

We have been asked to give management our final comments/proposals on this procedure by the 11/10/2011.

Council of Executives Member's Report to Regional Council, September 2011

  • PAY
    • Alstom – referendum rejected 32-17
    • LU – offer rejected; talks at ACAS tomorrow
    • EDF Powerlink – improved offer – Regional Organiser to report
    • CTS – offer improved to 3.5%
    • Initial cleaners – pay uprated in line with London Living Wage – organising campaign underway
    • Issa Kanu reinstated
    • Jayesh Patel – Directors Review offered return to driver after 12 months – meeting sought

Saving Tube Jobs

This article is taken from the September issue of RMT News, page 16EC member Janine Booth outlines six successful union campaigns to reverse unfair sackings from different grades and in different companies Docklands Light Railway Sacked Passenger Service Agents Ian Peavot and Julian Harper for comments they posted on Facebook. DLR staff, nearly all of whom are RMT members, also had other grievances against the company, and when talks made little progress, voted overwhelmingly for industrial action. RMT reps decided on a 48- hour strike, and while lawyers wrangled about its legality, the branch kept campaigning and negotiating. Management backed down, reinstated Ian and Julian, and resolved the other issues too. Meanwhile, RMT and TSSA members on London Underground were fighting job cuts, and the company took hostages.