Joint Union Statement On RMT & TSSA Possible Merger Talks

Statement 4: “TSSA and RMT met again as planned on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 for friendly and constructive talks to discuss sectoral and geographical organisation of our respective union memberships and possible future opportunities for trade union organisation in the event of a potential merger in the transport, travel and offshore energy sectors currently represented by the two unions. It is clear that there are very substantial overlaps between our two unions in terms of industrial and sectoral organisation and in our existing structures as well as significant potential areas for growth and new organisational opportunities for a merged trade union in the sectors we organise.

Health & Safety Reps: the 'Brown Book'

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the 'Brown Book', which sets out the rights of health and safety representatives.

On a personal note, the reason that I have posted this today is that the 1977 regulations, which gave these rights to safety reps, were brought in by Labour Secretary of State for Employment Albert Booth, my uncle, who sadly died this morning.

Act Now to Win Justice for James!

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we are utterly disgusted by London Underground’s continuing refusal to reinstate James Masango despite the Employment Tribunal ruling two months ago that LU had dismissed James unfairly and with the company 100% to blame.

The formal processes have failed to reverse this shocking injustice. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to, without any further delay, implement our previous decisions on this matter, and specifically to:

Use of Fingerprint Machines and Vehicle Transport - Emcor Rail (LU Contract)

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our LU Engineering branch and the report from our Regional Organiser, and our members’ strong objection to Emcor Rail’s attempt to undermine their civil liberties by using fingerprint technology for booking in and out and surveillance of our members by vehicle trackers.

RMT Recommends London Underground Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the well-attended meeting of our representatives on London Underground on Tuesday 4 October, at which a clear majority indicated that they wish the union to put LU’s offer to a referendum of members recommending acceptance.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to put in place a referendum ballot of all our members covered by this offer, with a recommendation to accept.

Progress on Central Line Asbestos

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from our LU Engineering branch, reporting that major progress has been made in negotiating a safer system of work for track workers in this area, although there are outstanding concerns regarding non-track project staff and the potential of complacency creeping in.

EDF Powerlink pay latest

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the most recent pay offer from UK Power Networks Services (formerly EDF Energy Powerlink). We do not accept the company’s proposal to base an annual pay rise due to be paid on 1 April on June’s RPI figure, as this institutionalises late payment of our members’ annual pay rise. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this view is communicated to the company.

Tripcock Testing to be Cut?!

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and share the shock and alarm expressed by the branch that London Underground could even consider reducing the frequency of tripcock testing. The tripcock is an essential safety mechanism which stops a train in the event of it passing a signal at danger, therefore preventing crashes and protecting life.

Palestine Meeting


In commemoration of International Workers’ Day, the Palestinian trade union movement formed the: Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS (PTUC-BDS). In July 2011, the London Transport Region RMT voted by 12 branches to 1 (1 abstention) to fully support the PTUC-BDS Statement including the call to sever inks with the Histadrut. While the matter has been referred to our National Union for consideration we offer this meeting as an opportunity to open the debate wider still within the trade union movement. Join the debate at this historic revolutionary juncture in the Middle East and North Africa.