London Underground Operational Effectiveness Programme Ballot Results

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise you that the ballot for industrial action short of a strike has now closed and the result is as follows: -

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

  • Total Votes Cast - 463
  • Number Voting Yes - 369
  • Number Voting No - 93
  • Spoilt - 1

This result is being considered by the General Grades Committee and I shall be in touch with you again shortly.

Media Coverage: LU Plans to Cut Tripcock Testing Frequency

After RMT "blew the whistle" on London Underground's plan to cut the frequency of tripcock testing, there has been significant media coverage of the issue, including:

Victoria Line Drivers to Boycott Training due to Safety Dispute

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and representatives, that London Underground management is commencing training for Victoria Line drivers on automatic door opening. This is despite ongoing problems with door technology on the line, serious concerns about passenger safety, and our continuing, unresolved dispute about safety and training issues related to the Victoria Line upgrade.

RMT Demands Meeting to Discuss Olympics Arrangement for ALL London Underground Grades

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence, minutes and documents received regarding our London Underground fleet maintenance members.

We also note that the General Secretary has requested a meeting with London Underground at Company Council level to discuss arrangements for the Olympics for all grades, and that London Underground has not yet responded to this request.

RMT Links Jayesh and James Campaigns

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and the views of our Bakerloo branch and our Regional Council that this case be linked to that of James Masango.

We therefore link this file with file LUL/4/1 DISMISSAL – J MASANGO, DRIVER, LONDON UNDERGROUND.

Any developments to be placed in front of us.

RMT to Ballot for Strikes for Justice for James and Jayesh

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground is still refusing to reinstate our unfairly-sacked member James Masango. We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that all attempts to resolve this matter through talks – including a face-to-face meeting between our General Secretary and London Underground’s Managing Director – have failed to secure James’ reinstatement, which remains the only acceptable outcome to this case, and therefore recommending that to hold a ballot is our only option.

LU Pay Referendum To Be Rerun

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that we have decided to re-run the current referendum of members on this year’s pay award. This decision has been taken because a letter from management advising us of a slight amendment to the Years 2 to 4 offer was not reflected in the paperwork sent to members with the voting papers. The change is significant enough to warrant the referendum being re-run as members are not voting with the full proposal at their disposal.