RMT London Taxi Branch Takes Protest To TFL And Trafalgar Square On Day Of Action

London taxi driver members of specialist transport union RMT will be holding a day of protest next Wednesday (9 November) over attacks on the licensed taxi trade.

Kicking off the action, RMT London Taxi Branch will be holding a demonstration outside the headquarters of TFL Windsor house Victoria Street SW1 between 2-4pm on Wed 9 November to highlight complaints over the poor treatment, bad policies and contempt that the Taxi/private hire office have shown towards the RMT taxi branch and the trade in general.

RMT Accepts UK Power Networks Services Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the referendum result is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 31
Number voting “Yes”: 19
Number voting “No”: 12
Spoilt Papers: 0

We also note that Unite has already accepted this pay offer.

We instruct the General Secretary to advise the company of our acceptance.

London Transport Regional Council and LU Engineering branch to be advised.

London Underground Local Disciplinary Interviews (LDIs)

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and welcome the confirmation from London Underground management that Local Disciplinary Interviews (LDIs) should not be conducted by the same manager who conducted the fact-finding.

We instruct the General Secretary to advise all our London Underground representatives of this, and to request that any attempts by management to breach this are reported to us.

'OEP' Dispute

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser on his discussions with London Underground management prior to the result of our ballot for industrial action.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the progress of this dispute.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

New RMT Uniform Reps to Demand Return of Cleaning Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground, reneging on its previous agreement to restore uniform cleaning vouchers. We believe that the withdrawal of these vouchers is a cut in real wages to our members.

We do not accept the company’s position, and refute management’s arguments for it. We do not accept that all uniform items can be washed in a normal domestic washing machine, and believe that the tax benefit described by LUL is one which our members should be entitled to anyway.

Transfer: Carillion to TfL

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we welcome the report from our Regional Organiser that the employer has confirmed that it has adhered to TUPE, and will confirm this in writing.

In accordance with our Regional Organiser’s request, we instruct the General Secretary to write to Martin Boots at TfL asking him for the details of travel facilities available to staff on Crossrail, Sodexo, security companies, cleaners, taxi drivers, dial-a-ride and any other contractors or sub-contractors working under the auspices of TfL.

The reply is to be placed in front of us.

Justice for Jayesh and James - nearly there

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that Jayesh Patel has accepted reinstatement to his substantive role as a train driver from February 2012. We note that this is a huge reduction in the sanction initially imposed on him by London Underground.

We also note that London Underground has agreed to reinstate James Masango, but that the terms of this reinstatement are still under discussion.

Christmas and New Year Arrangements

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from UK Power Networks Services outlining arrangements for Christmas and New Year cover.

We instruct the General Secretary to forward this letter to our representatives and LU Engineering branch requesting their comments. Replies to be placed in front of us.