GLA Elections:Supporting TUSC Candidates

The following resolution submitted by Neasden Branch was carried unanimously at the November 24th Regional council meeting.

The London Transport Regional Council states its intention to support Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidates in the Greater London Assembly elections in 2012 and requests permission from the RMT Council of Executives to do so.

Maintaining current staffing levels on LU

The following resolution submitted by Neasden Branch was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on November 24th.

This region notes that London Underground has advocated a four year pay deal as a deal that provides stability for the company and its staff.Now that the pay deal has been accepted, this region calls for an agreement achieving the same stability,over the same timescale,regarding staff numbers.

RMT Young Members Conference 2012, London

The following resolution submitted by Central line West was carried unanimously at the November 24th Regional Council meeting.

This regional council notes the young member’s conference is to be held in London in Feb 2012.

This region further notes the conference is very well attended and is growing. It is the lifeblood of the union.

This region further notes that many members the London region have played an active role in the conference over the years.

This region agrees

1/ To offer assistance with arrangement of the conference

2/To offer speakers for the conference

Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau Checks for Taxi and Private Hire Drivers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our London taxi Branch [below] and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to provide an up-to-date report on this issue. This report to be placed on file and back in front of the General Grades Committee as appropriate.

Bakerloo AGM and social - Monday 5th December at 16:00 in the Red Lion

Click on the attachment to download a poster advertising the Bakerloo Branch AGM and social.

Put it in your diary and get your rest days organised, the Bakerloo Branch AGM and social is on Monday 5th of December upstairs in the Red Lion at 16:00 hours. The Red Lion is on Kingly Street near Oxford Circus tube station.

The AGM will elect all branch officers and reps. RMT General Secretary, Bob Crow is our guest speaker.

Boris Johnson Must Take Action As Cleaners Are Sacked By Tube Contractor To Fund London Living Wage

TUBE UNION RMT has today written to London Mayor Boris Johnson after it emerged that tube cleaning contractors Initial are planning to sack staff in order to fund the costs of paying their workers the London Living Wage.

In their “Business Case” document, Initial say that as a cost saving measure brought on by “the recent increase in London Living Wage from £7.85 to £8.30” Initial are proposing to axe cleaners jobs to bridge the gap.