The following resolution submitted by LU Engineering and Jubilee South and amended by the LTRC executive was carried unanimously at the Regional Council meeting on the 24th November.
This region resolves:
1. To campaign for Alstom to be excluded from working on projects, including London Underground and all Alstom work and administration to be brought back in house, on account of its illegal and immoral involvement in colonising the Palestinian occupied territories and build a campaign involving the widest possible coalition of trade unions, human rights organisations and other groups that believe in social justice.
2. To write an open letter to Alstom, asking them about the reality of JLR, the effects it will have on the people of East Jerusalem and asking if it is not hypocritical to involve itself in JLR while claiming to have “ethical” employment & social policies.
3. To apply pressure to the British, London and local governments not to allow Alstom to expand its operations in Britain while it is engaged in JLR. The UN Human Rights Commission, has denounced the JLR project for being “in clear violation of international law and relevant United Nations resolutions.”
4. To send this motion on to LTRC Exec with a request to invite Rafeef Zadiah of the Palestine Trade Union Coalition to the November LTRC mtg, to other branches, regional councils and the RMT AGM.
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