Boycott AFM Functionality Expansion-Jobs Depends on it

LU Management have informed the TU’s that they will be expanding the AFM Functionality to CSA’s.This now means that both CSA’s and SAMF’s will be expected to carry out ticket selling activities outside of the Ticket Offices,something which RMT are opposed to.LU have told us that they will initially be running a ‘pilot’ on a voluntary basis at Bank Station and also using SRT staff across the network from December to early January and thereafter will introduce it company wide.The first thing that CSA’s must remember is that their Job Description does not include or allow for the selling of

Another year, another victimised rep !

RMT to begin ballot for industrial action on WightLink ferries over victimisation of staff rep

Publication Date: November 29 2011

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to begin balloting tomorrow (30 November) for strike action and action short of a strike all members on Wightlink’s Portsmouth routes over the victimisation and unfair dismissal of an RMT union representative Paul Kelly.

RMT Accepts London Overground Olympics Deal

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the negotiated proposals on file and the report from our Lead Officer.

The proposals are a comprehensive package of enhancements for the Olympic period in return for flexibility from our members to enable LOROL to run the enhanced services required.

In light of the Lead Officer’s and our Representative’s views, we instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company of our acceptance of the proposals.

LOROL members to be advised of the decision in writing and to be sent a summary of the agreement.

RMT Members Accept Alstom Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the referendum/ballot result is as follows:

Total votes cast 56
Number voting ‘Yes’ 49
Number voting ‘No’ 7
Spoilt Papers 0

We note the result of our referendum ballot and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company of our acceptance of the offer.

London Transport Regional Council to be informed.

Cleaners Demonstration At City Hall

Cleaning industry Bosses at Initial, one of the biggest companies on London Underground are asking low paid Cleaners to pay for the London Living Wage (LLW) with the removal of promotional opportunities by trying to get rid of the Supervisor Grades this way ensuring Cleaners cannot get any improvement in their conditions by having some hope of moving from the lowest grade in our industry.

Cleaners Demonstration At TfL Head Office

Cleaning industry Bosses at Initial, one of the biggest companies on London Underground are asking low paid Cleaners to pay for the London Living Wage (LLW) with the removal of promotional opportunities by trying to get rid of the Supervisor Grades this way ensuring Cleaners cannot get any improvement in their conditions by having some hope of moving from the lowest grade in our industry.

RMT position on Autumn Statement and Office for Budget Responsibility

Chancellor George Osborne

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“Rather than a thin-scraping of jam tomorrow, robbed from other parts of the cupboard, what Britain needs today is real investment for growth and we could start by ending the nonsense of sacrificing thousands of manufacturing and supply chain jobs in the East Midlands, which are threatened by shifting train building to Siemens in Germany.

RMT Slams Cable Attack On Workers’ Rights And Warns That Government Is Planning Huge Increase In Social Dumping To Drive Down Pay And Conditions

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today slammed Vince Cables attack on workers’ rights and warned that as well as opening the door to a vicious “hire and fire” culture he is also giving a green light to a massive increase in social dumping that will allow companies to hire in workers from abroad to undermine pay and conditions.

London Transport Regional Council Political Report - Palestine Special

The RMT recently hosted a Palestine Solidarity meeting following the forming of the 'Patestininan Trade Union Coalition for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions' - PTUC BDS.

The following are extracts from the report compiled by the London Transport Region's Political Officer; Unjum Mirza.