TfL Plan To Buy Crossrail Trains Dealt Blow By Tory Transport Minister

RAIL UNION RMT warned today that the Government could be preparing an action replay of the Thameslink stitch-up of Bombardier over the Crossrail contract as it emerged that Transport Secretary Justine Greening has sabotaged a plan that would have potentially saved train building in the nation that gave the railways to the world.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “Despite the long public row over the Thameslink stitch- up, and the threat to over 10,000 jobs at Bombardier in Derby and in the supply chain, reports today suggest that the Government are planning an action replay over Crossrail in a move that would kill UK train building once and for all.

News International Surveillance Operation

RMT demands names of those involved in News International surveillance operation and submits dossier of evidence to Leveson inquiry.

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today wrote to lawyers for News International demanding to know which journalists were involved in instructing an undercover surveillance operation against General Secretary Bob Crow by former policeman and MI5-trained Derek Webb. RMT is calling for full disclosure of information relating to the News International surveillance, and to any blagging and hacking operation against the union and its General Secretary.

RMT Disabled Members' Meeting

RMT Council of Executives decision:

That we note the meeting took place and realise that we need to build interest to ensure more delegates. We instruct the General Secretary to organise a further meeting in May 2012 following an article in RMT News advertising the event.

Equal Pay

RMT Council of Executives decision:

That we instruct all Lead Officers to raise the issue of equal pay audits with the companies they deal with. We note that only the companies have access to the information necessary to conduct an equal pay audit. Companies must be asked to share the findings of their audits with us.

RMT to Consider Support for 'Hate Crime' Campaign

Resolution from LGBT Advisory Committee:

No to hate crime campaign are a non-profit making organisation that have been running vigils in Trafalgar Square in October for the last two years. They are currently going through the process to achieve charitable trust status.

This Advisory Committee notes the importance of a collective stand against all forms of hate crime and the hard work done by to date.

This Advisory Committee resolves to publicise the and the affiliation form.”

RMT Council of Executives decision:

RMT Considers Mayor and GLA Elections

Council of Executives decision in response to this resolution from the London Transport Regional Council:

That we write to the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition to ask they provide a list of all their candidates for the 2012 GLA elections.

The General Secretary is also instructed to seek a meeting with Ken Livingstone to discuss the 2012 Mayoral elections.

We also note that we are already supporting Andrew Dismore for the Barnet and Camden Constituency and that we are not supporting other candidates for this area.

RMT Executive Decision on AWL Website Article

RMT Council of Executives decision, in response to this resolution:

That we note the resolution for the LTRC, however we do not believe a sectarian political grouping making statements brings our union in disrepute. We do not believe our Regional Organiser acted contrary to our Union’s rule book.

We therefore do not think it is appropriate to write to such groupings who are outside of this Union.

RMT Young Members Visit Occupy St Paul's

The RMT Young Members Advisory Committee held on the 14th November 2011 put the following request to the Council of Executives:

That following visits by RMT Young members to the anti-capitalist protest camp located near St Pauls the committee unanimously agreed to ask for the following -

  1. That the RMT make public its principled support for those engaged in the protest situated at St Pauls
  2. That the RMT promote the ‘message’ of the protest across the union and wider trade union and Labour movement

Hizen Kendo Charity

Council of Executives decision:

That we authorise the Branch (LU Engineering) that it is legitimate for them to use their B.M.F if they wish to support this charity.

Yunus Bakhsh

Council of Executives decision:

That we note this is a case of a trade union member taking action against his former union (UNISON) in an employment tribunal.

We therefore do not authorise this as a legitimate use of branch funds as this was a request from LU Engineering Branch and we should not interfere in the in internal affairs of another union.