December RMT Platform Newsletter

Click on the attachment to download the latest RMT Platform newsletter detailing the attacks on Station Jobs revealed in the leaked documents on LU 's 'Operational Strategy'.Through LU’s leaked Strategy Document, the RMT has obtained an important heads-up on LU’s ambitions, so we are better-placed to respond with our own strategy. Below you can read how, piece by piece, they intend to overhaul stations working.

Tory Chair Of Anti Union Group TURC Sacked From Government Following Nazi Uniform Stag Party

The Trade Union Reform Campaign chairperson, Tory MP Aiden Burley, has been sacked from his government post following a stag party he attended where another guest wore a Nazi SS officer uniform. It has been reported that Burley hired the uniform for his friend himself.

The union busting group TURC which Burley heads is campaigning against union officials getting paid release and for 'a greater element of democratic legitimacy.' Effectively aims that would make it impossible for unions to represent members or to successfully ballot for industrial action.