RMT Platform July Edition

The June/Early July Edition of Platform includes:

  1. a "liberated" Stations Framework article from Gavin Bowtell
  2. A look at the proposed surplus and loss procedure
  3. An update on cleaning vouchers
  4. Report on victimisations

'RMT Platform' August issue out now

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the new issue of 'RMT Platform', our newsletter for station and revenue staff. It includes information about merger talks with TSSA, RMT meetings and activities for station and revenue staff, the Olympics, safety issues, the use of national rail staff on LU stations, and RMT's planned boycotts of Enhanced AFM Functionality and 'line reserve'.

RMT Sets Reduced-Rate Subscription for Initial Cleaners and Sodexho Canteen Staff

Canteen rep Petrit Mihaj

RMT has agreed reduced-rate subscriptions of £1 per week for workers at Initial Cleaners and Sodexho canteens in London Transport. This reduced rate is part of our organising campaign to achieve recognition in these two companies, and will be reviewed in 12 months' time.

Great Western Franchise Pre-empts McNulty Rail Review With Ticket Office Massacre

RAIL UNION RMT warned today that the tendering for the new Greater Western franchise, now underway and due to operate from April 2013, is being conducted under the terms of the Sir Roy McNulty Rail Review before the Government have even taken it through the parliamentary process, with dire consequences for both jobs and passenger services.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “It is an insult to democracy that the Greater Western franchise is being tendered on the basis of a half-baked and totally bogus set of ideas advanced by McNulty before they have even been endorsed by the country’s law makers."

RMT London Now Has 500 Members

We've reached 500 Members on the RMT London Calling Website.

Signing up is simple just click here. All we need is a username, email address and your membership or NI number so we can identify you are a member of the union.

Once you are signed into the website you can access more information such as documents and articles for members only, as well as commenting on articles and blogs.

RMTV: Message to London Underground Train Operators

The RMT have published a video explaining why the RMT is the best union for London Underground train drivers.

"From the minute I book on, the tracks that I run over, the trains that I drive, the signals that I work under, even so far as the food that I eat: If I know that those people are part of a strong union, I know that their welfare is being looked after as well as mine. If their welfare is looked after I can rest assured that they are working in a safe environment and their going to provide a professional service" - RMT Train Operator, Picaddilly Line.

Resolution: Support Sindyanna

Stratford no.1 branch is submitting this resolution to RMT Women's Conference:


We support the work of Sindyanna, the women workers’ cooperative associated with the Workers’ Advice Centre (Maan) in Galilee.

We ask the union to promote its activities and products, and to investigate the possibilities of including Sindyanna products carrying the RMT logo in the union’s range of merchandise.