Unemployment Rises to 2.6 Million

Responding to news that unemployment has risen by 128,000 to 2.638 million in the three months to October, RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“These latest shocking figures show that all the Governments promises on jobs and apprenticeships are as hollow as a chocolate Father Christmas."

RMT Steps Up Campaign to Staff Our Stations

That we note a number of issues were discussed including the ‘Together for Transport’ campaign and the TSSA requested the RMT inject resources into this campaign. However, after further discussion that ‘Together for Transport’ is TSSA’s front organisation and therefore propose that the RMT do not inject any resources into this campaign at this time, but work closely with it through the SOS campaign. One area discussed was the need for both unions to undertake a mapping exercise of our membership that currently work on stations.

Reps to Assist with Membership Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Lead Officer and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to write to all local Reps, requesting they assist the Functional Council in updating their membership list as many are still outstanding.

Relevant Branches and London Regional Council to be informed.

RMT Discusses Response to Taxi Identifiers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our London Taxi Branch and the sentiments expressed within.

Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting at the earliest opportunity at Unity House to discuss this matter further. The Lead Officer, Regional Organiser, members of the GGC and Brothers Stan Marut and Mick Tinnion to be in attendance.

London Taxi Branch and London Regional Council to be informed.