London Transport Regional Council Officer Nominations

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


The AGM of the Regional Council is on 23rd February 2012 and it is therefore time to remind Branches to consider nominations for Regional Council Officers and Executive Committee.

The deadline for nominations to be received is prior to the LTRC Executive on Tuesday 14th February 2012. Nominations received by this date will be circulated with the RC mailing.

Next Train Grade Committee meeting

All driver members are invited to the next Train Grades Committee meeting to be held at Unity House on Thursday 26th starting at 1430.

Items on the agenda

Olympic rewards negotiations for which there is no agreement at present with RMT
LUL's plans for driverless trains
Other reports from stage two reps
Line reports(what's happening in your depot)
Any issue you want to raise.

It's your union, your job, find out what is happenning and have your say.

Hope to see you there.

Dean O'Hanlon

Review of London Underground Industrial Relations: What Do You Think?

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from Professor Goodman on industrial disputes on London Underground. We agree to seek comments from our Regional Organiser, and from our London Underground branches and representatives, and instruct the General Secretary to place this issue back in front of us once these comments have been received.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

Bakerloo news January 2012

Click on the attachment to see the January 2012 edition of Bakerloo News.

Main stories follow:

Back To Work

Towards the end of last year the RMT won stunning victories for our members on the Bakerloo line. CSAs Paul McCulleough and Neil Turley were re-instated after getting the sack and T/op Jayesh Patel was restored to his job after being dipped to stations. Anyone who followed these stories will have been well aware that all three cases were terrible injustices. Paul and Neil were suspended after unsubstantiated allegations were made about them after a drink in a pub in Queens Park. After nine months waiting to find out their fate both men were sacked after a CDI in August.

Strike a badge!

The Bakerloo Branch has commissioned this badge to commemorate our campaigns for JUSTICE last year. The badges will be ready and distributed to members across the combine in a few weeks.

Members are aware that the image of Arwyn and Eamonn is iconic and symbolises the victimisation disputes last year. Off the back of that campaign about another 10 members jobs across the combine were saved as LU backed off. As the badge says "solidarity wins!"

Increased Use of Tunnelling For HS2 Hasn't Satisfied Opponents

The government has confirmed plans to push ahead with the high speed rail link which will cut journey times between Birmingham and London, and later Leeds and Manchester significantly.

The DfT consulted 52,000 people on the £32 billion plans announced today but some are unhappy. To mitigate against loss of homes and damage to the countryside the length of tunnelled sections of the line have been increased. However this hasn't been enough to satisfy some groups such as Green Peace, The Countryside Alliance and many constituencies that the route will pass through.

High Speed Rail 2

RMT welcomes high speed rail 2, but warns that it mustn't be at the expense of jobs or services elsewhere in the rail system and should be built, run and owned by the public sector.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said: “No one has fought harder for the investment and modernisation required to drag the UK’s railways out of the slow lane than RMT and development of high speed links must be a key component of our rail plans.

Got a story for us?

Have you got a story or read something that you think may be of interest to RMT London Transport Region members?

If so fill out the form below to send us the details.

UK Taxpayers Face £140 Million Bill To Prop Up Destruction Of Train Building Industry

Rail union RMT today demanded that the Government reverse the decision to award the crucial Thameslink fleet contract to Siemens after it emerged in a series of parliamentary answers to Derby MP Chris Williamson that the Siemens bid was priced in Euros and with the 10% decline in the value of the currency since tendering the cost to the UK taxpayer on the £1.4 billion contract has soared by £140 million.