Unemployment Rises to 2.6 Million

Responding to news that unemployment has risen by 128,000 to 2.638 million in the three months to October, RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“These latest shocking figures show that all the Governments promises on jobs and apprenticeships are as hollow as a chocolate Father Christmas.

This ConDem government have sat back and done nothing while the gap between haves and have-nots in Britain has widened to record levels on their watch.

Nowhere is the Governments inaction and impotency more graphically illustrated than at Bombardier in Derby where their kow-towing to the EU and Siemens has left thousands of manufacturing jobs and apprenticeships on the block. They are a total disgrace. “

> RMT National News

Thursday, 25th July
RMT has called on Crown Estate profits to be used to secure decent contracts, pay and working conditions for offshore workers.
Thursday, 25th July
Rail union RMT, will take strike action on Avanti West Coast this Friday and Saturday due to imposed rosters causing widespread stress and fatigue among staff.
Wednesday, 24th July
RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Eddie Dempsey and RMT members from Truro depot with a message for First Group.
Tuesday, 23rd July
RMT Bus workers members on First South West are striking for pay justice - here's why.
Monday, 22nd July
Bus union, RMT, will start 48 hours of strike action at First South West in a dispute over pay and working conditions on Tuesday.