RMT up front, issue 18, November 2011

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT up front, the newsletter for drivers on London Underground. This issue features articles on LU's 'operational vision', Olympics 2012, and LU' misuse of the drug and alcohol policies.

Main story follows:

Unite against ‘Driverless trains’

Management’s plans for your future have now been fully exposed thanks to the diligence of your Union.

RMT Recommends Members Accept Alstom Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the latest correspondence on file from the Company in relation to an improved pay and conditions offer, accordingly and in line with the Organiser’s report we instruct the General Secretary to put in place a referendum ballot with a recommendation to accept, with a closure date of November 29th 2011.

Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.

Maintenance Optimisation dispute - action ended

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from the Organiser on this matter and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company that we will not be continuing with our current dispute actions and that they are to cease forthwith.

A letter to be sent to our members involved, relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed. Usual electronic lines of communication to be utilised as appropriate.

RMT Wins James Masango's Reinstatement

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence on file and that agreement has now been reached that allows James Masango to return to work and that he has accepted the offer from his employers. This has been achieved after protracted negotiations with London Underground that eventually resulted in a satisfactory conclusion to this whole sorry saga. We congratulate our members and all those involved who helped achieve an acceptable conclusion to this matter.

Relevant Branches and Regional Council to be informed.

Special Meeting 6th December,1700-Christopher Alder Campaign

Important Meeting-Christopher Alder Campaign.

Christopher Alder, a former paratrooper, died in police custody in 1998.
Now, eleven years after his death, it has come to light that it was not Christopher Alder at all who was buried in the family grave but the body of an elderly woman named Grace Kamara who died of natural causes in 1999.
The mix up was only discovered when members of Grace’s family asked to see the body before it was buried.


Once again, the Morning Star must appeal to its backbone and its lifeblood, the readers who own, support and underwrite the paper - in short, you.

And if you do not respond, and soon, there may well not be a paper to support.

It has been an eventful and in many ways successful four or five years for the Morning Star.

In that period, we have gained formal support and a presence on our board of management from a solid majority of the organised trade union movement - a first that has astonished - and gratified - people throughout the labour movement.

RMT meet management to discuss ASLEF/LU Olympics ‘deal’

RMT Regional Organiser, Steve Hedley, accompanied by RMT trains functional council reps met with senior LU management yesterday to discuss the ASLEF/LU Olympics ‘deal’.

The RMT made clear that as an independent trade union we were not bound by any deals struck with other organisations. Management understood that and confirmed that there were precedence’s were individual unions ‘failed to agree’ issues on different functional councils.

Operational Effectiveness Programme – London Underground

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to you with regard to the above dispute where I have received reports of bullying and harassment by management of members over the above dispute where industrial action short of a strike has been called. We have taken legal advice in this matter and can confirm your legal rights which are outlined below: -

  1. You are protected from being unfairly dismissed pursuant to section 238A of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 for taking lawful action in the first 12 weeks of the dispute.

London Calling Special-The Fight To Save Our Underground

Find attached the latest London Calling leaflet on the wholesale assault on Safety,Jobs and Conditions over the coming years including: 1500 Station & Train Operator Jobs by 2015, Driverless Trains, the closure of Ticket Offices and the end of the SAMF Grade, the loss of Duty Manager and Station Supervisor Jobs and reduced maintenance regimes on Engineering and Fleet.Copies have been posted to Reps,further copies available for collection at Unity House.