Update: National 'SOS: Staff Our Stations' Campaign

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that a meeting has recently been held with our sister union TSSA to formulate a joint campaign. We also note that letters of support have been received from the GMB union and the FBU who are both happy to support this campaign. We also note that a further meeting with TSSA, the General Grades Committee and Assistant General Secretary is to be held in Unity House on Thursday 10th November 2011.

RMT Demands End To ‘Dangerous’ LUL Plan To Halve Train Maintenance In Latest Move To Put Cuts Before Safety

LONDON UNDERGROUND intends to halve the frequency of maintenance on trains on the Metropolitan Line despite a manufacturer’s report which reveals that the safety implications of doing so have not been considered, the Tube’s biggest union reveals today.

RMT Organises Cleaners to Win Better Pay and Conditions

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that Initial is paying the London Living Wage to cleaners, but has not met any other demands in our pay and conditions claims. This leaves these cleaners among the most exploited workers in London, working for disgracefully low pay, and without the sick pay, pensions and other benefits enjoyed by other workers.

'Fit For London': TfL's Propaganda to Staff

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground and the report from our Regional Organiser.

Transport for London is to run a series of events for staff which they state “will explain our vision, strategy and future priorities for TfL and our operational business”. These events will involve staff in London Underground and other parts of TfL.

Deaths on driverless Washington DC Metro system expose lethal reality of automation plans for London Underground

TUBE UNION RMT today warned that London Underground are on the verge of plunging the Capitals tube system into the same lethal cocktail of safety cuts and automation that led to nine people being killed on the Washington DC Red Line service just over two years ago.

Today, the TFL Board will discuss a document entitled London Underground's operational vision, which flags up a future of driverless trains and destaffing of platforms and stations to save money.

RMT Rail Renewals Campaign - Includes LU Track Contractors' charter

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that a further meeting of our steering group has taken place and that a summary report of the survey among our Renewals members is on file. We also note that the work on the RMT Track Contractors Charter for London Underground is progressing and is about to be launched.

The General Secretary is instructed as follows:

  • To provide any practical and material support and assistance that may be required by our London Underground Engineering Branch for a successful launch of the Charter;

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains, Ticket Office Closure & Reduced Maintenance In Job Cut Board Meeting

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' tomorrow November 2nd 2011, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

LUL's Managing Director Mike Brown's presentation to the Board is attached.

Brown says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' this week, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

A document has been released detailing the agenda of the meeting. It says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

The document also makes note of stations saying that ticket office need will decrease and staff will need to become more 'flexible.'