RMT Members Accept LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

Total votes cast: 3,339
Number voting Yes: 3,108
Number voting No: 230
Spoilt papers: 1

We note the ovewhelming referendum result from our London Underground members. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to inform the employer of our acceptance of the offer.

Trains Functional and Safety Council representatives

The following resolution was put to the RMT train grades committee:

"This train grades committee notes the election of Brian Munro to the trains funcional council and Gary Fitzpatrick to the trains safety council.

This committee sincerely thanks our outgoing reps Bill O'Dowd and Dave Rayfield for their sterling work on behalf of all train drivers on the combine."

Carried unanimously.

No To Hate Crime Vigil

An annual 'Vigil Against Hate Crime' is due to take place on Friday 28th October, 7.30pm-9pm in Trafalgar Square.

A 2-minute silence to remember all victims of hate crime will be observed at 8pm across the UK.

No To Hate Crime said “We believe that it is important to actively remember the victims of hate crime, to show our support to those who have had their lives changed forever by acts of hate. To state clearly that hate crime is not acceptable in our communities and that we need to work together to tackle this problem.”