RMT Disabled Members' Conference

Report to RMT's Council of Executives of RMT's initial Disabled Members' Conference: A Conference took place on 8th November in accordance with your instruction. Whilst the number of delegates attending was far from high, a very positive discussion on the way forward took place. There was agreement that disabled members needed a voice in the Union and that a Rule change should be brought forward.

Resolution to TUC Women's Conference - Women's Rights in Afghanistan

RMT's Council of Executives has agreed to submit the following resolution to TUC Women's Conference 2012:

With the announcement that peace talks with the Taliban are contemplated, women’s rights have apparently been forgotten. The treatment of women by the Taliban government was a contravention of their human rights.

Resolution to TUC Women's Conference - Railway Staff Cuts

RMT's Council of Executives has agreed to submit this resolution to TUC Women's Conference 2012:

That this Conference is concerned that Government proposals for the main line railway and the actions of London Underground in slashing staff numbers will worsen passenger services through the loss of thousands of frontline workers from trains, stations, ticket offices and safety-critical infrastructure and operational roles.

Phone Hacking

RMT Council of Executives decision:

That we list this matter for discussion with our Parliamentary Group to discuss how we can best take this forward and play our part in a broad based campaign on this issue.

RMT Response to the Riots

RMT Council of Executives decision:

As a union we support most progressive campaigns for the advancement of people and have played a pivotal role in the anti cuts movement and continue to support trade union council and community campaigns for social justice. We also note the General Secretary is speaking at the Youth Fight for Jobs rally at Trafalgar Square.

Young Members To Rally In Support Of St Pauls Anti-Capitalism Camp

The recent setting up of the anti capitalist camp in the vicinity of St Pauls in London is part a global movement that is seeking to raise awareness in that the attacks on ordinary working people around the world as a result of the economic crisis is directly the fault of casino styled bankers and it is they who should be footing the bill. Trade Unions have historically been at the forefront of such actions and it is imperative that people identify us as the organised voice of working people.