RMT London Calling Reaches One Thousand Followers on Twitter

RMT London Calling has reached one thousand followers on twitter.

We also have a presence on Facebook, twitter and Google+.

Our twitter posts include links to all the articles on this site as well as the latest news such as the positive pay ballot results and the recent reinstatement of members. Twitter is a great way for members to give feedback and for us to explain to the wider public why we are taking the action we are, and the battles that we face each day in defending jobs and safety and securing pay and conditions for RMT members.

Following us on Facebook means each story from this site will be posted to your wall so you'll never miss news from the RMT. Stories you find interesting or important can be shared and commented on.

The Google+ page is new - if your on Google+ why not add us to one of your circles and help develop it?

Links to our social networks