RMT Drivers To Take Action Over Tube Train Safety

RMT TUBE drivers are to refuse to follow what the union considers to be dangerous new instructions from London Underground after voting by a margin of four to one for industrial action over train safety.

From Friday RMT train operators and instructors will not co-operate with aspects of LUL’s misnamed ‘Operational Effectiveness Programme’ and will continue to use the proven safe procedures for reversing trains and carrying passengers over shunt signals.

RMT drivers will also refuse to follow the imposed instruction to over-ride ‘sensitive-edge’ equipment that prevents trains on the ‘sub-surface’ lines moving off if a passenger or object is caught in the doors.

They will also continue to follow the established procedures at platforms used prior to an imposed re-categorisation that would force drivers to ‘self dispatch’ their trains as a consequence of the massive reductions in station staff.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said:

“London Underground is attempting to impose dangerous operational changes that are cost-led, will undermine established safety procedures and will put our members and the travelling public in potential danger.

“It is nothing short of reckless to expect drivers to over-ride door failsafe systems after a potentially fatal incident in which a passenger jumped from a moving train and another was caught in its open doors.

“These unsafe procedures are being bulldozed through in a dash for cuts, and to cover up the impact of reductions in station staff – and LUL has the gall to call it ‘operational effectiveness’.

“We have tried to make LUL see sense, but it has continued to put cash and job cuts ahead of passenger safety and imposed these dangerous changes without agreement.

“But it is our members who have to deal with the consequences and they have voted by a huge majority for action that will keep maintain safety standards. LUL should pull back from the brink and start talking.”

There is more on this story here. and the ballot results are here.

> RMT National News

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