LUL Declares War - RMT London Transport Region Response To Tube Jobs And Safety Decimation

LUL Declares War

Make no mistake, the Confidential Report exposed by RMT is the result of months, if not years, of management preparations to transform our job, root and branch, and bust the trade unions along with it.

The results will be massive job losses across all grades.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said “This document tells us everything we need to know about the operational strategy of London Underground - massive increase in fares alongside an unprecedented attack on jobs and safety. “Every single ticket office would be closed, stations left unstaffed and drivers would be thrown out of their cabs without a single thought for passenger safety.

Tube Management Internal Report Exposes Unprecedented Jobs And Safety Assault

TUBE UNION RMT today released a confidential “Operational Strategy” paper from London Underground which the union says is “a blueprint for jobs and safety carnage.”

Click on the attachments to see RMT' London Calling and LU's confidential 'Operational Strategy' paper.

Discuss the sackings of Paul McCulloch and Neil Turley

CSA’s Paul McCulloch and Neil Turley were stood down from duty following allegations made against them in a public house on the 12th of November 2010.
The alleged incident occurred outside work, not on work premises and neither members were in uniform. No outside authority was called to deal with any issue.

Both are active members of the union and were heavily involved in the RMT’s ‘lone working’ strikes and later in organising station staff refusing to work on gate-lines as LU were not complying with safety procedures on the Wembley Central Group.

RMT Drivers Vote For Action Over Tube Train Safety

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed this morning that tube driver members have voted overwhelmingly by a margin of four to one for action short of a strike in a dispute over safety.

The ballot was over four particular aspects of London Undergrounds Operational Effectiveness Programme which RMT says are unacceptable and potentially dangerous.

Save Our Railways: Rally And Lobby Of Parliament

Save our Railways: Rally and Lobby of Parliament 12.30 25th October 2011 Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London

RAIL UNIONS will join up with passenger groups and community supporters for a mass rally and lobby of Parliament next Tuesday - 25th October - as part of the national campaign to stop the Government from implementing the recommendations of the McNulty Rail Review.

RMT & TSSA Merger Latest

Joint Union Statement On RMT, TSSA Talks – No. 6

“TSSA and RMT met again as planned on Tuesday 18 October 2011 for further friendly and constructive talks concerning the political strategies for a potential new union.

RMT Tells London Underground: No Cuts to Tripcock Test Frequency

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note our success in achieving press coverage of London Underground’s appalling plans to reduce the frequency of tripcock testing. We further note that London Underground has now agreed to meet with us to discuss this issue, on 4 November.

At this meeting, we will press for London Underground to fully withdraw these plans. Any other outcome will lead to this union campaigning vigorously to defend our safety standards, and considering any appropriate and effective form of action.

RMT Women's Training Course

RMT London Transport region is running a 2-day course for women RMT representatives and RMT women who want to get more active in the union.

  • DATES - two Tuesdays : 17th and 31st January 2012
  • TIME - 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • PLACE - WEA Learning Centre, 96 – 100 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4TP

We are running the course in conjunction with the Workers' Educational Association, accredited by the TUC.