RMTv: Cable Street 75th Anniversary March and Rally

RMT attended the recent Battle of Cable Street 75th Anniversary Rally. Several RMT members were present and General Secretary Bob Crow spoke at the event which RMT has participated in for several years.

In 1936, fascism was gaining ground across Europe. In Britain, Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists (BUF) portrayed Jewish people as the cause of the country's problems. East London had the largest Jewish population in Britain and the announcement that Mosley and his Blackshirts planned a provocative march through the area.

On the day, up to 250,000 people gathered to defend the East End. There was a fierce battle with the police when they attempted to clear a path for the march and a barricade was erected and defended in Cable Street.

The 75th anniversary programme aims to keep alive the spirit of the defenders of Cable Street who took to the barricades that day.

Liverpool Homotopia Festival

This annual festival in Liverpool may be of interest to members


Cruising for Art

1-30 November 2011

Welcome to our 8th festival happening across Liverpool throughout November. This year's festival theme is 'Cruising For Art' and we are thrilled that artist Sadie Lee's iconic painting 'Anderrida Shurville' is the 2011 festival campaign which also forms part of a new exhibition 'Pin Ups'.

RMT Launches Campaign And Prepares To Ballot In Fight For Justice For Unfairly Dismissed Tube Driver

TUBE UNION RMT today launched a campaign for the reinstatement of tube driver James Masango who, despite winning by 100% an Employment Tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, has still not been re-engaged by London Underground.

James Masango’s case exposed an appalling litany of mismanagement which resulted in his Tribunal taking the rare step of finding 100% in his favour with not a single shred of evidence that there was any contributory fault on his part. Reinstatement in light of such an overwhelming verdict on his innocence should be automatic.

RMT To Ballot Drivers For Action Over Tube Train Safety

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed this morning that it has begun balloting tube drivers for action short of a strike, in a dispute over safety.

The ballot is over four particular aspects of London Undergrounds Operational Effectiveness Programme which RMT says are unacceptable and potentially dangerous. These are;

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“It is our members who have to deal with the consequences of these ill-conceived policies. We have tried to get LUL to see sense, but they have continued to put cash and job cuts ahead of passenger safety and we now have no choice but to ballot for action to put a stop to these dangerous proposals being imposed without agreement.”

Poster for Depot Union Boards - RMTupfront.org.uk

Print out this poster and display on union notice boards or hand out in depots.

Help spread the word about www.rmtupfront.org.uk: the site with all the latest news, updates on the Pay and Olympic agreements and archives of useful documents and previous issues of the Up Front Newsletter for London Transport Region tube drivers.

London Underground Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2011

FOLLOWING CONSULTATION with local reps, tube union RMT confirmed today that it will be putting the latest tube pay offer to a referendum ballot of members with a recommendation to accept.

The offer is 5% this year backdated to April with RPI plus 0.5% for the following three years with a guarantee of no less than 2% if inflation were to drop significantly.