The following resolution submitted by Neasden Branch was carried unanimously at the November 24th Regional council meeting.
The London Transport Regional Council states its intention to support Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidates in the Greater London Assembly elections in 2012 and requests permission from the RMT Council of Executives to do so.
The London Transport Regional Council seeks permission for the region and any branch within the region,where the branch takes a decision to do so,to support any constituency and/or top-up list candidates that are authorised by TUSC to stand in the GLA elections.We note that TUSC has already stated that it will not stand in the Barnet & Camden constituency,where RMT is supporting Andrew Dismore.
The process of agreeing candidates for each constituency and the top-up list is ongoing and already involves members of the TUSC steering group as well as trade unionists from several unions including RMT, FBU, NUT and PCS.
The terms of this resolution will not prevent the Council of Executives or the region from withholding support from any individual ( yet to be) named candidate,should it be considered that such a candidate does not represent the best interests of the RMT.
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