
The officers and other representatives in the Regional Council

Blog: Transport Workers' Role In Fight Against Climate Change

At our 2014 AGM, the RMT London Transport Regional Council voted to create the position of “Green Officer”. Transport workers have a special role in the fight against climate change because a massive expansion of affordable public transport, under real social ownership, is a vital reform that could drastically reduce carbon emissions. Our fight for jobs is, in an immediate sense, a fight for socially and environmentally-sustainable work.

Serious scientific opinion is now unequivocal in its view that changes to the earth's climate caused by human activity will have catastrophic

In The News: Mick Cash Elected RMT General Secretary

Mick Cash has been elected as RMT General Secretary. Mick Cash said:

“I want to thank the membership of RMT for giving me an overwhelming mandate as the newly elected General Secretary. I am proud and honoured to have been given the enormous responsibility of now taking our fighting and militant union forwards, six months after the bitter loss to the Labour Movement of Bob Crow.

Mick Cash Appointed As RMT Acting General Secretary

RMT’s executive committee has appointed Mick Cash as acting general secretary to continue the work of the union following the untimely death of Bob Crow.

Acting general secretary Mick Cash said that Bob Crow’s vision for the union would continue along with its industrial and political agenda as decided by RMT’s democratic structures.

“It has been a difficult time for the union but we are determined to remain united in the way that Bob would have wanted,” he said.

Introducing Myself

I'll be running this small corner of the RMT world for Neasden Branch so allow me to introduce myself. I am a Station Supervisor based at Harrow on the Hill. I am your Women's officer and also on the LGBT National Advisory Committee. I will be making a concerted effort to post more content about branch issues and to keep you updated on wider union matters.

If you have any ideas or want to discuss an issue please email me.

Just a few ideas:

  • What do you want to see here?

London Calling Newsletter April 2013

The latest edition of RMT London Calling Newsletter has been released. You can view or download it below.

In this edition:

  • Job cuts: Now LU tears up machinery of negotiation
  • Why has LU got to save money?
  • Olympic robbery
  • Still seeking justice for the 33
  • ISS wants Cleaners to Pay for New Contract with LU
  • RCIs Move Closer To Unprecedented Strike Ballot
  • LT Regional Secretary, John Reid, in Camden Council Election Campaign
  • LTRC Officers 2013