LU Organisational Strategic Plan (OSP) Equality Review

Report to RMT stations representatives from Janine Booth


  • London Underground does not consider the needs of equalities groups when calculating its station staffing levels.
  • LU's methods for collecting information, categorising passenger journeys and assessing data are deeply flawed and fail to account for equality issues.
  • LU did not carry out an adequate Equality Impact Assessment before going ahead with the OSP, despite being obliged by law to do so. The revisions it has made to the EqIA since then are minor and wholly inadequate.

RMT Rejects Latest LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the revised offer from London Underground. Whilst it shows a slight improvement, this offer is still below inflation, does not adequately address our claims for improved conditions, and remains a five-year offer. It therefore falls well short of settlements we have achieved on some other companies, and of our claim for a one-year deal of a substantial increase in pay and improved conditions. We also note that London Underground has confirmed that this is not its final offer.

DLR: Bike Storage and Showers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the response from Serco Docklands [telling us what facilities they have for bike storage and showers]. We instruct the General Secretary to write to our branch asking whether members believe that these provisions are adequate. The response to be placed in front of us.

London Underground Refuses to Reinstate Arwyn Thomas: RMT to Step Up Action

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we are appalled that following the agreement we reached with London Underground last week, LU has instructed its lawyers not to discuss re-employing Arwyn Thomas, and instead to discuss only a financial settlement.

This is despite an Employment Tribunal having awarded Arwyn interim relief, finding that he was unfairly dismissed due to his trade union activities and asking LU to reinstate him. The only way to put right the injustice of Arwyn's dismissal is to reverse it, by Arwyn returning to work as a London Underground driver.

Industrial Relations-Regional Council 26th May

The following Emergency Resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 branch was carried at the Regional council meeting on 26th May.

In the light of the recently expressed intentions of the government to turn back the clock on Industrial Relations to the nineteenth century introducing new anti-strike laws and weakening workers rights still further, we request the regional Secretary to convene an open meeting to discuss with other trade unions a unified response to these threat.

Arwyn Thomas-Regional Council 26th May

The following Emergency Resolution submitted by LU Engineering was carried at the Regional Council meeting on 26th May.

This region is appalled on the betrayal of the deal regarding Arwyn and their refusal to dis- cuss reinstatement. We call on the GGC to ballot all members in this region for strike ac- tion and action short of strike. Also, any action to be maintained until Arwyn is reinstated

Resolution on "General Strike"-Regional Council 26th May

Camden No 3-General Strike

This Region Urges the General Secretary discusses with other Union General Secretaries to organise and name a day for a one day General Strike to oppose public expenditure cuts and cuts in pensions

Update: Council of Executives decision in reponse to this resolution: "That we continue to pursue our policy of coordinated action."