London Underground: RMT Secures Return of Uniform Cleaning Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground has agreed to our request to reinstate uniform cleaning vouchers. We instruct the General Secretary to inform London Underground of our acceptance of this; ask the company to restore the vouchers as soon as possible; and ask the company for a list of outlets which accept the vouchers. The company’s reply is to be placed back in front of us.

We further instruct the General Secretary to advise all London Underground members of:

  • our success in achieving the reinstatement of uniform cleaning vouchers

RMT and TSSA Negotiate Ground-Breaking Olympics Pay Deal For Network Rail Staff

Rail union RMT confirmed today that, having pursued a claim with sister union TSSA, they have secured a ground-breaking pay and rewards package offer aimed at taking Network Rail staff through the Olympics:

  • £500 additional money for working through the Olympics period
  • More than 10% pay increase on the basic over the next two years - 5.2% this year and RPI plus .5% in 2012.
  • Agreement of a disputes procedure throughout the Olympics period that means no union member can be dismissed and which recognises the continuing right to withdraw labour.

Power Control Room / TAC Grade Progression: Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser.

We accept the company’s offer on grade progression for the Power Control Room, and congratulate our rep and our members for taking a firm stance and achieving a far better deal than was originally offered.

We note that our outstanding concerns regarding the TAC office have now been addressed. We instruct the General Secretary to conduct a referendum of our members in the TAC office, with a recommendation to accept the company’s offer on grade progression.

Progress in Reinstatement Campaign: Strikes Suspended

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

Following consultation with our representatives, we accept the agreement tabled to us, which

  • secures the re-engagement of Eamonn Lynch without loss of salary;
  • establishes a review of industrial disputes;
  • arranges legal discussions in the Arwyn Thomas case in an attempt to resolve the dispute, which in our view can be resolved only by his reinstatement; and
  • agrees a further meeting between LU and RMT next week.

RMT London Calling - May 2011

REINSTATE OUR REPS! At long last, Eamonn Lynch's tribunal has announced its unanimous decision: Eamonn's dismissal by LU was unfair and was because of his trade union activities. If management still refuses to reinstate both Eamonn and Arwyn, we must prepare to hit the company with strike action, starting on Monday 16th May. An injury to one is an injury to all.

For details of the strikes and other issues, click on the attachment below.

May Edition of RMT London Calling newsletter

Click on Attachment Below for May Edition Of London Calling.

The new issue of our 'RMT London Calling' newsletter reports on the Victimisation Dispute Strikes,The Employment Tribunal Victory of one of those victimised Reps Eamonn Lynch and the case of member Zara Senkan who was dismissed by the Original Tour bus company after complaining of sexual disrimination.It also reports on the Jubilee Line safety dispute and the LU pay offer

New issue of RMT up front - Eamonn Lynch secures crushing victory at employment tribunal

Click on the attachment to see the lastest edition of RMT up front, the newsletter for LU train operators. It gives a full report on the recent tribunal ruling on Eamonn Lynch's unlawful sacking.

Main story follows:

Eamonn Lynch secures crushing victory at employment tribunal

An employment tribunal has unequivocally found that Eamonn Lynch, RMT Health and Safety Representative for the Bakerloo Line, was dismissed because he was a member of a health and safety committee and because of his trade union activities.
Three times now the legal system - usually biased towards employers - has
ruled on the side of Tube workers, giving a massive boost to the union's
campaign for reinstatement of both Eamonn and Northern Line driver Arwyn

RMTV: Assistant General Secretary Pat Sikorski Discusses Arwyn & Eamonn Sacking Dispute

RMT has called a series of strikes on London Underground from May 16, 2011 in defence of Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas, two reps unfairly sacked for their trade union activities. Eamonn won his employment tribunal shortly after this interview with RMT assistant general secretary Pat Sikorski was filmed. Arwyn has won his interim relief hearing which ruled on the 'likelihood' that his full tribunal is likely to rule in his favour. Yet London Underground stubbornly refuses to budge and re-instate these men.