RMT to Ballot Northumberland Park Fleet Members for Action against Victimisation

RMT GGC decision:

That we note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and share our branch’s concern about the treatment of our members. It is wholly unacceptable that our members should face investigation for an alleged branch of the Internet and Email policy in 2008, when they were in effect working for a different company, especially as the allegations against them are of a minor nature.

Victoria Line Drivers Take Action Over Safety

RMT GGC decision:

Following the ballot result for action short of strikes in pursuit of this dispute, and following consultation with our reps and branch, we instruct our members involved in this dispute, from 00:01 on Thursday 5 May:-

  1. NOT to recognise the imposed sensitive edge door procedure and to work the previous safer instruction. i.e. go back to the carriage concerned and physically check the cause of activation.

Regional Organiser's April Report

RMT rejects London Underground pay offer

This year we put in a joint pay claim with Unite and Tssa (aslef were asked to join us but declined.) RMT, TSSA and Unite are meeting on Thursday 28th April to discuss our next joint positions (once again
Aslef were invited but declined.) RMT formally rejected London Underground's pay offer which was a five year deal. A 4 percent pay deal this year when inflation is 5.5 percent and inflation plus 0.25 percent for the next four years. We will be seeking more talks on pay and I will keep you informed of all progress made.

RMT To Join May Day March

The RMT will be joining the May Day March to defend our union rights and show solidairty with the union movement. Regional Organiser Steve Hedley says "This is a march for trade union rights and we need everyone to come and support it as trade union rights are essential if we are to defend your jobs and conditions"

The march takes place on the 1st of May, and the RMT will meet at noon at Farringdon Station.

RMT Rejects Five Year Tube Pay Offer and Launches Campaign For a Substantial Increase

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has rejected a proposed five year pay offer from TFL and is launching a campaign for a substantial, above-inflation one year deal that reflects the additional workload placed on staff as a result of the repeated breakdown in services, a large increase in passenger numbers and the knock on effect from a programme of staff reductions.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

Finsbury Park Monthly News - April 2011

Click on the attachment below to download April's Monthly News.

In this edition:

PICCADILLY BOSSES TRIAL ‘OPEN DOORS’ POLICY! - How did a set of doors open on their own on a moving train? Why did management fail to alert drivers to the incident, leaving our Safety reps to do the job for them?

COMPANY OFFERS PAY CUT - We are the 'Metro of the Year', yet the company offers us a deal which will cut our pay in real terms.



Click on attachment to download a poster for notice boards.

All Train Operators and Instructor Operators have been balloted for strike action over LUL’s continuing victimisation of our representatives and activists.

You are invited to attend a member’s meeting on the date the all drivers ballot closes 27th April 2011 to discuss the result and the next course of action.

Wednesday 27th April 2011 at 4pm

YMCA Indian Student Hostel

41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ

Young Members Events: Durham Miners' Gala & Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival

The Durham Miners' Gala and the Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival are tow important events in the unions calendar. Both take place in July, and this year, for the first time, the RMT has organised activities specifically for young members at both. Dave Marshall of the RMT Organising Unit says that these activities will be "combining education sessions with going along to and enjoying the events themselves."

The Durham Miners' Gala is from the evening of 7th July to the 11th. The Tolpuddle Festival is the following weekend from the evening of the 15th of July to the 17th.

Attached are RMT circulars and application forms for both events.