TfL Unions Oppose Plan to "Streamline" Job-Cutting Process

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser. We oppose TfL’s attempt to streamline its OCP policy in order to make it easier to make redundancies due to funding cuts.

We note that all unions have agreed to reject management’s proposal to deal with this at a joint meeting at Company Council level, and instruct the General Secretary to write to TfL/LUL accordingly; the reply to be placed in front of us.

London Underground Withdraws Uniform Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground announcing that it is withdrawing uniform cleaning vouchers. We strongly object to the fact that once again, this employer has declared a change in policy without adequate advance consultation with us. We agree with our Regional Organiser’s view that LUL should table this issue for discussion at the Company Council, as it affects staff in all uniformed grades. We instruct the General Secretary to write to London Underground accordingly, requesting that uniform cleaning vouchers continue to be issued to staff until adequate consultation has taken place. Should LU not agree to discuss the matter at Company Council, we agree to refer this matter to ACAS.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a detailed report on the impact of this change on our members, assessing whether the £100 tax allowance really does adequately compensate our members for the withdrawal of the vouchers as the company claims or whether it in practice leaves our members worse off financially. This report to be completed and placed back in front of us within 14 days.

LU Trains: RMT Concerns about Role of Duty Managers in Grievances

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground and the report from our Regional Organiser.

We are very concerned that the role of the recently-reorganised duty manager grades in the grievance procedure will see grievances dealt with only within the driver’s own depot, and that in many cases, the grievance will not even reach the Train Operations Manager (TOM). This represents a devaluation of the grievance process, and will inevitably lead to genuine and serious grievances not being dealt with properly.

Power Control Room vote for action

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that the ballot result for Power Control Room is a follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 4
Number Voting Yes 4
Number Voting No 0
Spoilt Papers 0

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 4
Number Voting Yes 4
Number Voting No 0
Spoilt Papers 0

RMT London Taxis Branch Press Release April 2011…

The RMT London Taxi Branch will be demonstrating/picketing outside the offices of Transport for London, Windsor House, Victoria Street SW1 at 11am on the 11th April 2011 over the disturbing and worrying rise in reported rapes/sexual assaults of women in London.

  • In the year 2009 140 sexual assaults were reported in “bogus” or unlicensed mini-cabs.
  • Of the 140 reported sexual assaults 24 were actual rapes.
  • When compared to 2008 figures this represents a rise of 53%

New RMT up front poster

Click on the attachment to download the latest poster for train depot noticeboards. Apologies, a problem with the PDF programme is showing the poster upside down. Go to view and rotate to see it right way up.

RMT Denounces LU's Ban on Regional Organiser

That we note the unjust conviction of our London Transport Regional Organiser. This conviction is a clear miscarriage of justice and an attack on our union; by London Underground's own admission, it resulted from an incident that took place while Brother Hedley was carrying out his union activities.

We further note that London Underground has seized on this situation to ban our Regional Organiser from its premises and even to demand that this union allocate duties to our Regional Organiser which prevent him having any contact with any LU employees, which includes thousands of our members.

RMT warns of “Tube cuts carnage” as TFL jacks up cuts plans to £7.6 billion

RMT reaction to latest TFL cuts plans

  • RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: