Young Members' Organising Plan 2011

This organising plan was agreed by the Regional Council Executive on March 8.

RMT has 12,614 members in the LTRC region, of these there is 1,527 that are classed as Young Members. The purpose of a Young Members' officer is to mobilise as well as organise these members into an active and effective part of our union.

The average age of a Trade Union representative is 47 years old, to properly organise our Young Membership is to be laying the foundations for a sustained future.

National LGBT Advisory Committee on 10/02/2011

Brief account produced by Jo Parry (newly elected LTRC LGBT officer).

Present LTRC advisory members
Adrian Rowe, Neasden
Alan Bell, Hammersmith & City
Joanne Parry, TfL No.1

Apologies from LTRC advisory members
Peter Heyes, Stratford 1

EC Members Present
Janine Booth and Micky Thompson

Agenda items.

4. Equal Rights Sub Committee Report
Discussion about seeking RMT and TUC to push employers to provide paid release and formal recognition of LGBT reps and TUC equality reps

RMT to Ballot Victoria Line Drivers over Health and Safety Issues

General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our Finsbury Park branch and accept its proposal. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to conduct the ballot of our Victoria Line driver members for action short of strikes as soon as practical, with the title “Breakdown of machinery of negotiation: Victoria Line upgrade safety and training issues”.

DLR: RMT Recommends New Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision below. The content of the offer will be posted here as soon as practical.

In line with the recommendation of our lead officer and representatives, and following discussion with the branch secretary, we instruct the General Secretary to conduct a referendum of our members on Serco Docklands recommending they accept the offer that emerged from talks yesterday.

RMT to Ballot Power Control Room Members for Strikes

General Grades Committee decision:

That following our members’ rejection of London Underground’s offer on grade progression, and following consultation with our representative and with Unite, we instruct the General Secretary to ballot our members in the Power Control Room for strike action and action short of strike. The ballot is to start as soon as possible and to close on Tuesday 5 April.

The Southern Sub-Committee will submit a further report regarding Track Access Control after further consultation.

RMT reaction to Hutton Pension Review

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow says the Hutton Review will be "the spark that lights the blue touch paper of co-ordinated strike action". Bob Crow said:

"We have seen this week that gold-plated bonuses and pensions for the bankers and speculators who caused this crisis are still the order of the day while those slogging their guts out making this country tick are lined up for a kicking by Lord Hutton and the ConDems."

DISI - Defective in Service Instructions

RMT General Grades Committee decision on DISI:

That we note and accept the report from our lead officer for London Underground. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to issue as soon as possible a circular with the following wording:

RMT is completely opposed to section 2.2 of version 3 of the D.I.S.I. that states “Generally the train operator will be the most appropriate person to assess the defect. However in some cases the controller may decide to arrange for somebody else to attend the train and carry out the assessment.”

Council of Executives report to Regional Council Executive, 8 March


  • DLR – RMT won appeal; in same Appeal Court decision, ASLEF also won similar appeal; proposal for new strikes on DLR to be discussed at GGC Wednesday; talks with management Wednesday
  • LU victimisations – see decision; will be a single ballot of drivers; membership lists / database needs checking; ACAS talks Wednesday; RCI rep Tony Rowntree sent to CDI
  • LU job cuts – report on Equalities review posted on website; need more reports to members on reviews; comments invited re ongoing strategy

London Transport Regional Council Recruitment and Organising Plan 2011

This is the proposed LTRC 2011Recruitment and organising plan which will be submitted for approval to the London Regional Council meeting on 31st March.


Organising team

Two years ago LTRC set up a ‘recruitment and organising team’. This year, we should develop this, adding new activists and overseeing the implementation and review of this plan. The Membership Secretary should convene the recruitment and organising team. The team will consist of a member from each branch (ideally the Branch Secretary or membership secretary) within the region and will meet at Unity House. An up-to-date regional membership list will be available at the meeting.