Government publishes bosses’ charter – another reason to join the demo on March 26

Government publishes ‘Employer’s charter’: warning: this is not a joke

The government has just published what it calls the ‘Employers’ Charter’ You will see this tells the bosses how they can:

  • Drive through redundancies and dismissals
  • Make pay cuts and pressure you to work longer hours
  • Harass women on maternity leave to return to work
  • Restrict your annual leave and pressure workers to take early retirement

Strike action over victimised tube drivers off to allow for talks and for fresh ballot of all tube drivers

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that strike action on the Bakerloo and Northern Line’s, scheduled to run from Sunday to Monday evening over the victimisation and sacking of two drivers, has been called off to allow for ACAS talks and to pave the way for a ballot for action of all London Underground drivers.

RMT had also received a threat from the employers to dash to the Court’s under the cloak of the anti-trade union laws.

It’s time to stand up and fight for Eamonn and Arwyn

Click on the 'attachment' to see the February edition of 'RMT Up Front', the newsletter from the RMT train grades on London Underground. Full story follows:

It’s time to stand up and fight for Eamonn and Arwyn
If we tolerate these sackings, you might be next

Drivers on the Bakerloo and Northern Lines have already taken strike action to overturn the sackings of their workmates. The RMT is now looking to escalate the action across every depot in the combine. Below are the reasons why:

RMT joins international condemnation of any attack on trade unions in Egypt

Commenting on news reports that the Egyptian military might attempt to ban strikes or trade union meetings that might lead to them, RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“Any attempt to ban strikes and trade union activities in Egypt would be a huge step backwards and RMT fully supports the international trade union condemnation of any such moves.

Email to Egyptian Embassy: Don't ban strikes and workers' meetings

I have today sent the following email to the Egyptian Embassy,

I have today read in the media (for example, here: that Egypt’s military authorities are planning to issue an order banning workers’ meetings and strikes. If this is true, I wish to register the strongest possible objection.

Public meeting: Defend Our Union Reps!

Venue: Friends House, Euston Road
Click '1 attachment' / file name to download a poster / flyer advertising this meeting.

  • Speakers include Bob Crow (RMT General Secretary), Janine Booth (RMT Executive), Steve Hedley (RMT Regional Organiser) and sacked RMT reps
  • Speakers also invited from other unions

RMT invites all trade unionists and supporters of trade union rights to this meeting, to hear about how London Underground has victimised and sacked RMT reps Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas, and to show your support for our fight against these victimisations.

Notes from Regional Council Executive, 8 February 2011

PRESENT: Neil Hodgson, Paul Jackson, James Wong-McSweeney, Glenroy Watson, Bjorn Bradshaw Murray, Dave Rayfield, Adrian Finney, Vaughan Thomas, Janine Booth
IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Hedley (Regional Organiser)
APOLOGIES: Dean O'Hanlon, Adrian Rowe, Olly New



Election nominations declared as listed here.


Agreed to submit the following proposals to amend standing orders to the AGM:

Links: Workers' and Trade Union Involvement in Egyptian Uprising

While the exciting events in Egypt make headline news, the mainstream media do not tell us much about workers' and trade union involvement. So I have compiled this selection of links: