Extended Rights for Working Parents

In April, working parents' rights will be extended in the areas of:

  • additional paternity leave and pay
  • right to request flexible working

Details are below. Employers should update their policies to reflect these changes.

Additional Paternity Leave and Pay

Paternity leave rights have been extended for parents of children born or placed for adoption from 3 April 2011 onwards (or who enter the UK from this date in the case of overseas adoptions).

Council of Executives Report to Regional Council, February 2011

  • Taxis - 15-year age limit (see decision)
  • LU job cuts - confidential reporting line luljobcuts@rmt.org.uk; need to update membership information following 6 February moves; appeals against displacements; Enhanced AFM Functionality; reviews ongoing; action short of strikes; recommend members' meeting w/c 14 March
  • LU pay - claim submitted
  • 29 April public holiday - correspondence with LU
  • 26 March demonstration - please mobilise
  • DLR injunction appeal - hearing has been held, decision expected around 8 March

LT Region Delegates to RMT AGM 2011

Our Region's delegates to this year's RMT AGM are:

  • Adrian Rowe, Neasden branch
  • Jim McDaid, Bakerloo branch
  • Becky Crocker, Camden 3 branch
  • Glen Brown, Stratford no.1 branch
  • Neil Hodgson, Piccadilly & District West branch
  • Michael Keown, LU Fleet branch
  • Mac McKenna, Hammersmith & City branch
  • Vaughan Thomas, Central Line West branch
  • Tony Rowntree, East Ham branch
  • Dean O'Hanlon, Finsbury Park branch
  • Jackie Darby, LU Engineering branch

Executive decision: Fares Increases

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and agree with its sentiments.

Transport providers - in London Transport and elsewhere - charge exorbitant fares while often providing substandard services, which can lead to abuse and assault against our members. While claiming that they "can't afford" cheaper fares or better pay and conditions for our members, the companies continue to pay fat-cat salaries and bonuses to their top bosses and allow private companies to cream off obscene profits. Fares should be substantially lowered, funded through public subsidy raised by taxing the rich and big business, and ending fat-cat payouts and private profiteering.

Police refuse to rule out phone hacking of RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

In a letter to RMT lawyers, Sue Akers, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has refused to rule out suspicions that the telephone of RMT General Secretary Bob Crow may been hacked.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed today that the issue is being investigated as part of Operating Weeting - the new police probe into phone hacking.

Article for Labour Briefing

I have written this short article for Labour Briefing:

On 6 February, despite strong opposition from trade unions and passengers, London Underground completed its cut of 800 jobs from its stations. It slashed ticket office opening hours and removed staff from around the stations, leaving safety and security compromised and passengers without the help they need. Private-sector-run upgrades are seeing repeated failures, and maintenance regimes are being slashed.

London Underground: RMT Pay Claim 2011

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download RMT's pay claim submitted to London Underground. The first section, the text of which is below, is also being submitted by TSSA and Unite. We hope that this united approach from three of LU's unions will improve our prospects of securing an acceptable offer.

1. A substantial pay award in a one-year deal

MPs Back Our Fight for Reinstatement of Reps

“I am appalled that London Underground are refusing to reinstate Arwyn Thomas and Eamonn Lynch, when the Employment Tribunal has already ruled that their dismissal was discriminatory because of their trade union activities. It is vital that we stand up for our local trade union reps who are in the frontline of protecting workers interests and I fully support the RMT’s political and industrial campaign for justice for Arwyn and Eamonn.”
Jeremy Corbyn MP, Islington North

RMT slams latest Government “Bad Bosses Charter”

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today launched an all out attack on the latest “Bad Bosses Charter” pumped out by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills that will allow employers to harass and bully employees staff without any comeback.

The “Employers Charter”, issued by BIS through their Business Link agency, sets out an agenda for attacking workers and paves the way for dumping staff on the dole with impunity. The Charter allows bosses to:

  • Drive through redundancies and dismissals without any meaningful consultation
  • Make pay cuts and pressure staff to work longer hours