In solidarity, in defiance: global day of action for Egypt

Venue: Trafalgar Square, London

From the Trade Union Congress:

Stand in solidarity with the people of Egypt and the wider Middle East and North Africa in their demands for an end to repression, for their freedom, their basic human rights, and immediate democratic reform.

And stand in defiance against all those who try to suppress the growing movement of people standing up for their rights, and for decent work, facing down injustice and offering hope for a better world.

Egyptian Workers have long been repressed under three decades of President Hosni Mubarak's autocratic rule, suffering from worsening unemployment, particularly among the youth, and the denial of their basic rights at work.

LU Job Cuts - Health and Safety Confidential Reporting Line

The circular below is from Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary. Please use the reporting line he outlines to tell the union about any incidents at work which concern you, or which illustrate the effect of the OSP job cuts. Perhaps you are station staff and want to report assault or abuse from passengers unhappy with the reduced service, or a station evacuation that took too long because of under-staffing, or your station having too few staff available to give adequate help to a disabled or vulnerable passenger.

Peter Hartshorn Reinstated

RMT General Grades Committee decision, 10 February:

That we welcome the reinstatement on appeal of Brother Hartshorn. We congratulate Peter, his representative, his workmates, his branch, and all others who supported him in his successful fight for reinstatement.

Power Control Room / Track Access Control Grade Progression - Referendum Result

RMT General Grades Committee decision, 10 February:

That we note the referendum result for Power Control Room is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 4
Number voting “Yes”: 0
Number voting “No”: 4
Spoilt Papers: 0

That we note the referendum result for TAC is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 3
Number voting “Yes”: 1
Number voting “No”: 2
Spoilt Papers: 0

Further Strikes for Eamonn and Arwyn

RMT's General Grades Committee has taken the following decisions to call further strikes:

Dismissal of Eamonn Lynch

In line with the request of our Bakerloo Line branch, all members at Queen’s Park and Elephant & Castle traincrew depots are instructed not to book on for any duty that commences between 21:00 hours on Sunday 20 February and 20:59 hours on Monday 21 February.

This date to remain confidential until notice is served.

That we seek talks with the employer under the auspices of ACAS with the aim of resolving this dispute.

Regional Council Officer and Executive elections 2011/12

Branches have nominated the following candidates for Regional Council Officer and Executive posts:

SECRETARY – John Kelly (nominated by Finsbury Park, Stratford no.1, Morden & Oval, Neasden, Bakerloo, London Taxis, Hammersmith & City, LU Fleet) - elected unopposed

PRESIDENT – Vaughan Thomas (nominated by Finsbury Park, Bakerloo, Neasden) - elected unopposed

ASSISTANT SECRETARY – John Reid (nominated by Hammersmith & City, Finsbury Park, Bakerloo) - elected unopposed

Council of Executives Member's Report, 8/2/11

  • Taxis – 15-year age limits – see decision
  • Thales – election of reps on LT contract
  • DLR – awaiting outcome of legal appeal (held this week, but decision may not be given immediately); progress made in talks
  • Olympics – Regional Organiser to report to LTRC Exec
  • LU machinery of negotiation – more discussion required before accepting CMO machinery; outstanding issues on COO machinery tabled for Company Council – if no result there, then refer to ACAS

Resolution: Dispute review

This resolution, submitted by Finsbury Park branch, was carried unanimously by the February meeting of the Regional Council:

This branch calls for a delegation from the EC to undertake a thorough review of the recent dispute regarding the job cuts and scrutiny of the decision making process: - who made those decisions and on whose authority including when were decisions made. The results of the review will be made available and if required recommendations made for any future disputes will be sought. This review should take place at the end of the dispute.