Bakerloo News March edition

Click on the attachment to down load the lastest Bakerloo Branch newsletter.

Main stories follow:
Double standards exposed
Since RMT health & safety rep, Eamonn Lynch’s dismissal in October, train drivers on the Bakerloo Line have taken two days strike action for his reinstatement. The issue is now being dealt with at ACAS and the RMT’s General Grades Committee has agreed to escalate the dispute to every train depot on the combine.

Executive decision: Awards for Activists

Council of Executives decision:

That we note this resolution and that this request has not come from the families of the unfortunate deceased.

However, it would be inappropriate to name awards after activists due to the amount of activists that we have in this Union.

If the families of any activists or members want a memorial the General Secretary is to arrange for this to be in the Garden at Maritime House.

Draft Minutes of Regional Council AGM/Meeting on 24th February 2011

Draft Minutes of Regional Council AGM/Meeting on 24th February 2011

Bakerloo - Eamonn Lynch, Brian Munro
Camden No.3 - Rebecca Crocker, John Reid
Central Line West - Vaughan Thomas
DLR - Mark Honetman, David Fisher
East Ham - Natasha Robetson, Unjum Mirza, Alan Suleyan
Finsbury Park - John Kelly, Frank Curtis, Dean O Hanlon, Neil Cochrane
Hammersmith&City - Josie Toussant-Pinnock, Sandra Hunt, Mac McKenna, John Colville, M. McViswant, Shaun McKenzie
Jubilee South - Linda Aitken, Jason Moriarty, Korhan Osman

Agenda Regional Executive meeting 8th March 2010

Agenda Regional Executive meeting 8th March 2010

Venue:The Cock Tavern,23 Phoenix Road,
Euston,NW1 1HD

1.Recruitment and organising-feedback on 2011 Recruitment plan

2.TUC Demo 26th March

3.Progress on passed Resolutions

4.New Resolutions


6.Update on Actions/outstanding LTRC matters

7.Grades Committees

8.Nominations for new Officer positions


10.Next Regional Council meeting

Report: Job Cuts Equalities Review

The latest meeting of the Equalities strand of the OSP (job cuts) review, on Tuesday 1 March, revealed that London Underground does not consider the needs of equalities groups when calculating its station staffing levels. RMT secured agreement from LU to consider revising these calculations to include equalities considerations.

RMT Wins Landmark Victory in Court of Appeal on Strike Laws

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow:

I am delighted to be able to report that this morning in the Court of Appeal RMT has secured a massive landmark victory on the UK strike laws over our dispute on Serco Docklands.

The full details are contained in the press statement below but be under no illusions – this morning RMT has given a huge boost to 7 million trade unionists in the country fighting for jobs, pensions and standards of livings.

Health and Safety Conference report

Val Barzey of RMT's LU Engineering branch reports on the RMT Health & Safety Advisory Conference held on 16 February:

Greg Hewitt – Chair

Greg commented that the HSE is more an Advisory body than Regulators. The aim of the government is to lift the burden of Employment laws. They intend to reduce the no. of regulations, attacking workers rights. H & S inspections have been cut across the board, inadequately enforcing the law and there has been a reduction in enforcement notices. There were 69% reduction in full inspections and 48% reduction in prosecutions.

There were 2 reviews carried out last year, Vince Cable reducing regulations and the Lord Young Review of the operation of H & S laws and the growth of the compensation culture – Common Sense Common Safety.

RMT to Ballot LU Drivers for Strikes in Escalation of Battle against Victimisations

RMT General Grades Committee decision today:

We note that our Regional Council has voted unanimously that it wishes to escalate our battle for the reinstatement of our sacked driver reps Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas to a strike ballot of all London Underground driver members. Our driver reps and members see these sackings as part of a concerted disciplinary clampdown against drivers across London Underground and as an attempt by LUL to weaken RMT’s organisation among train grades.

Egypt: Links to Information about Workers and the New Independent Trade Union Federation

Here are some links to information about Egyptian workers and the new independent union federation: