RMT to ballot all tube drivers for action over victimisation of members for trade union activities

TUBE UNION RMT announced today that it has served notice on London Underground for a ballot of all train operator and instructor operator members for strike action in an escalation of on-going disputes over the victimisation of union activists including two driver members - Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas - over their trade union activities.

BBC Executives conspire to pull invitation to Bob Crow to appear on tonight’s Question Time with Boris Johnson

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today slammed the BBC’s Question Time for “outrageous political bias” after an invitation to General Secretary Bob Crow to appear on the programme this eveningwith London Mayor Boris Johnson was withdrawn at short notice.

Question Time editorial staff cobbled together the pathetic excuse that Bob Crow was pulled from the show “because he appeared on Any Questions?” last week - even though Johnson appeared on exactly that same show where Crow wiped the floor with him

RMT up front April edition. LU drivers - VOTE YES!

Click on the attachment to see the latest RMT up front.

Lead story follows:

Vote YES to stop the victimisations of LU drivers!
RMT has served notice to London Underground that we are balloting all drivers on the combine over the victimisations of Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas.
Since Eamonn’s and Arwyn’s dismissals last year train drivers on the Bakerloo Line and at Morden depots have taken two days strike action for their reinstatement.

Victoria Line drivers' dispute

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground on this matter, and also note that London Underground has sent a letter by post to Victoria Line drivers defending its actions on these important safety matters and attacking our dispute. This underlines the importance of our previous decision that this union will send a letter by post to all our Victoria Line driver members outlining our stance on these issues, which is to be implemented without further delay. Email and text communication are to be used to promote this union’s ballot and industrial action, but not to substitute for letters by post when specifically instructed by the GGC.

Bank Holiday and Leave Arrangements - Serco Docklands

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note that Serco Docklands has clarified that: “Employees on trade union contracts will be paid double time if they work on a bank holiday, this applies to both hours and overtime. The bank holiday payments are applied from 12 midnight at the start of the day to midnight at the end of the day. If an employee is rostered to work on a bank holiday or if it is their rostered rest day they will accrue a lieu day. They may choose to have this paid instead.”

We seek the views of our Docklands Light Railway branch on this matter.

Confirmed: Version 22a is the Stations Framework Agreement

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note and endorse the report from our Regional Organiser.

We welcome the fact that London Underground has finally accepted that Version 22a of the Stations Framework Agreement is the agreed Framework which applies to station staff and that its Version 24 has not been agreed and does not apply. We particularly welcome the fact that management's attempt to worsen our members' working conditions - including requiring staff to work away from their rostered station in non-urgent situations, and allowing management to impose roster changes - have not succeeded.

We remain vigilant for further attempts by LU to impose these or similar attacks, and instruct our functional council representatives to oppose any such moves and alert the Regional Organiser.

RMT 'Disgust' at London Underground's Confirmation of Arwyn Thomas Sacking; More Campaigning Planned

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note with disappointment and disgust that London Underground's directors' review has upheld the sacking of Arwyn Thomas. This is despite the fact that the Employment Tribunal awarded Arwyn Interim Relief and found that LU had sacked him unfairly due to his trade union activities. It is appalling that LU apparently feels that it is above the law, and that Tribunals does not have the power to compel an employer to re-employ a worker sacked unfairly.

Report: RMT Women's Conference 2011

Report from Val Barzey, delegate from LU Engineering branch:

Tim Wilkinson - Gloucester Branch welcomed the guests to Cheltenham Spa.

Bob Crow - General Secretary

  • The Court of Appeal has handed down its decision today (4 March) in NURMT v Serco & combined cases, in which it overturned injunctions against strikes in both the RMT and ASLEF cases.
  • Some aims of the RMT is to have a high denser of membership, increase in educational activities and fill all positions for reps and branches.