Resolution:Co-ordinated Strike Action

The Following resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was passed unanimously.

Co-ordinated Strike Action

“This Regional Council requests that the General Secretary writes to other trade unions who are in dispute with a view to coordinating strike action across union's and sectors with our dispute on London Underground over the victimisations of Bro's Thomas and Lynch.”

Resolution:Mentoring New Reps

The following resolution to the April meeting of the Regional Council was was passed unanimously.

The London Transport Regional Council is to introduce a formal and recognized mentor system for all newly elected reps from 2012 onwards This will enable them to be at their most effective and confident during their first year in office, and onwards into the future.

Oppose The Cuts-carried at Regional Council meeting on May 26th 2011

This Resolution submitted by LU Fleet and amended by Piccadilly and District west was carried at the Regional council meeting on 26th May

Oppose the Cuts.

This Region opposes:

·The vicious attacks by the ConDem government on public services and working class people.

·The idea that public services should be cut in order to bail out the banks.

·Privatization and cuts to public services, whether NHS, education, civil service, transport industry or local authority, and will resist them.

This Region believes:


Victoria Line Drivers Vote for Action over Safety

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the result of the ballot for ‘action short of strikes’ is as follows:-

Total votes cast: 45
Number voting “Yes”: 33
Number voting “No”: 12
Spoilt Papers: 0

We congratulate our members on their 73.3% majority vote to take action to defend their safety at work. We note that Finsbury Park branch will discuss this at its branch meeting tomorrow. Once the branch has given its recommendations for action, this matter to be placed back of us.

RMT to Ballot H&C Drivers Against Loss of Jobs at Hammersmith

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our Hammersmith & City branch and the report from our Regional Organiser about London Underground’s plan to cut 8 duties from Hammersmith depot, with the loss of 3 substantive posts and a significant increase in anti-social working hours for drivers at Hammersmith.

Council of Executives Member's Report to Regional Council Executive

Victimisation of RMT reps

  • ballot now running
  • strike committee; - lots of publicity materials / organising work
  • Eamonn's tribunal decision made, but not delivered yet
  • research into public money spent
  • members' meeting 27 April to discuss action before making decision
  • coordinate with other unions
  • strike pay?
  • Tony Rowntree CDI