Stonewall Survey on Gay And Bisexual Men's Health

Stonewall is conducting a survey on the health needs of gay and bisexual men.

"This will be the largest ever survey of gay men’s health. We know quite a lot about gay men’s sexual health, but very little is known about the wider health needs of gay and bisexual men." Say Stonewall.

If you'd like to take part in the survey, click this link to go to Stonewall's website.

RMT warns of more tube chaos as LU cut safety-critical inspections by half

TUBE UNION RMT warned of more tube chaos for passengers as it emerged that as part of the TfL cuts programme the frequency of safety-critical inspections is being slashed from twice a week to once a week.

In a safety licensing concession requested by LU the twice weekly inspection of track and infrastructure in sidings and depots will be cutback to just once a week. These inspections are in the areas of highest traffic anywhere on the network with fleet constantly being shunted in and out.

Pay and Leave Arrangements for Extra Public Holiday

There is to be an extra public holiday this year due to the Royal Wedding. RMT has written to all Train Operating Companies asking their intentions for payment and leave arrangements for our members. Replies have been received from London Underground and Serco Docklands, but neither reply explicitly sets out the pay and leave plans.

RMT's General Grades Committee has referred the issues to its Southern Sub-Committee to get more details so we can respond.

Threat to Withdraw Staff Nominee Travel Facilities

RMT's General Grades Committee decision:

We welcome the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council on this matter, and reaffirm our determination to preserve the right of TfL and London Underground employees to both a staff pass and a nominee pass. We also reaffirm that the fact that an employee may nominate a person who lives at the same address as them for a nominee pass, regardless of their personal relationship with them, is progressive and egalitarian, and we will defend it.

Electronic Communications - London Underground

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground notifying us of changes to the ‘Guidelines for the use of LUL electronic facilities’.

We object to the fact that LU has made changes to these guidelines without consultation with this union, and instruct the General Secretary to write to the company accordingly.

We refer this matter to our Southern Sub-Committee for examination and report.

RMT warns of travel chaos as soaring copper prices drive cable thefts to record levels

TRANSPORT UNION RMT warned today that the ConDem-led demand for spending cuts is compromising security on the transport system at a time when soaring copper prices have driven cable thefts to record levels - leaving passengers facing huge potential for service disruption and travel chaos.

The British Transport Police have said that they have logged record levels of thefts in the early weeks of this year as copper prices have risen by over 40%. The estimated cost to the taxpayer of thefts from UK infrastructure is £700 million with transport in the front line.

Nominations open: Regional Council posts

Nominations are now open for the following new Regional Council posts:

- Website Officer
- Publicity Officer
- Training Officer
- Social Events Organiser

Nominations also remain open for the following vacant positions:

- Trustees (2)
- Executive members (3)

Nominations must be agreed at a branch meeting. Please email your nominations to me before the next Regional Council meeting on 24 March.

John Kelly

Regional Council Officers and Executive 2011/12

SECRETARY – John Kelly, Finsbury Park branch

PRESIDENT – Vaughan Thomas, Central Line West branch

ASSISTANT SECRETARY – John Reid, Camden 3 branch

VICE PRESIDENT – Olly New, Piccadilly & District West branch

FINANCIAL SECRETARY – Ross Marshall, Central Line West branch

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY – Dave Rayfield, Finsbury Park branch

POLITICAL OFFICER – Unjum Mirza, East Ham branch

WOMEN’S OFFICER – Clare Reilly, East Ham branch

Video: Demonstrate Against Government Cuts - 26 March

The RMT have produced a video explaining how the ConDem governments planned cuts will affect all of us and the alternative that the RMT wants to see. The 'Demonstration Against The Cuts' is "likely to be one of the biggest ever seen" so everyone is encouraged to attend on the 24th of March to join this important start in the fight back against the cuts.

RMT videos can be viewed at here.