Solidarity with the Egyptian revolution

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and amended by Stratford no.1 branch and LU Engineering branch, was passed unanimously by the February meeting to the Regional Council:

Region notes:

Egyptians have taken to the streets, braving bullets and tanks to fight for change, freedom and social justice.

Region believes:

That there can be no real change until the rule of dictator Hosni Mubarak is swept away and all his cronies go with him.

"Another cutting Tory living the high life"

An interesting article from Labour-left newspaper Tribune (16 December 2010) about the Tory GLA member who is calling for TfL/LU employees' staff and nominee passes to be taken away.

Another cutting Tory living the high life
by David Hencke

Another right-wing Conservative councillor who is calling for firefighters and train drivers in London to be sacked is living a six-figure lifestyle on the taxpayer, Tribune can reveal. Last week, we disclosed that Tory London Fire Brigade chairman Brian Coleman was on £128,000 allowances while living in a subsidised charity housing flat.

Now it has emerged that Gareth Bacon, a London Assembly Member and ally of Mr Coleman, is receiving more than £76,000 a year in council allowances for four jobs at the London Assembly, London fire authority and on Conservative controlled Bexley Council. Only his job as chairman of the LFB’s performance management committee is unpaid as he cannot claim the £5,329 a year extra because he is an Assembly member.

RMT demands halt to cuts as LU bulldozes through job losses on Sunday at end of week of tube chaos

TUBE UNION RMT today repeated the demand for an end to the London Underground cuts programme as the system grinds towards the end of a week of chaos that has seen repeated failures on the Jubilee, Metropolitan, Central and Victoria Line’s as a combination of cuts, infrastructure failures and mismanagement from the top conspire to drag the network into a spiral of failure.

This morning the Jubilee Line went down due to fleet and signal failures and there was further disruption on the Metropolitan Line after it totally closed in yesterday evenings rush hour through the City.

Protest against the EDL, Luton

The English Defence League (EDL) is a racist organisation – but not just that. For all its ludicrous claims to represent the ‘white working class’, it attacks working-class people fighting back against cuts.

The EDL has denounced British Airways strikers, disrupted socialist meetings and attacked Swansea Trades Council’s May Day march. Now it is attacking student protesters against cuts and fees.

The EDL is holding a demonstration in Luton on 5 February. Anti-racists will be mobilising against them.

Health and safety week parliamentary rally

Assemble 12.30pm College Green, opposite the Houses of Parliament

Current Health and Safety legislation and enforcement is failing to protect workers. 152 people were fatally injured at work in the last year and there were over 26,000 major injuries. The ConDem government is threatening to make things even worse by diluting health and safety standards and slashing the funding of the Health and Safety Executive by 35 per cent.

AGM Awards

This resolution proposed by Neasden branch was carried unanomously by the February meeting of the Regional Council:

This Regional Council notes that the John Cogger Award for Youth is presented at the AGM, with Neasden Branch winning the award in 2009 and 2010. We think it is also time to award other activists within our union, and name them in honour of two comrades that we lost in 2010.

We propose that the John Cogger Youth Award remains the same, but the union considers introducing the following awards, also to be presented at the AGM.

Threat of Withdrawal of Staff Nominee Travel Facilities

This resolution, submitted by Neasden brancand amended by the Regional Council Executive, was carried unanimously at the February meeting of the Regional Council:

This Regional Council is appalled at the reports that certain GLA members once again have circulated to the media that he wishes to remove staff travel facilities for partners, flatmates, or family members under the same roof.

RMT calls off strike action on Arriva Trains Wales this Friday following legal advice

FOLLOWING LEGAL advice on the changing nature of the anti-trade union laws, and a pending legal challenge to a court decision in respect of action on Docklands Light Railway, a 24 hour strike on Friday February 4 by RMT drivers on Arriva Trains Wales has been called off.

RMT confirmed today that it will re-ballot members in light of the latest legal advice.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: