Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2010: London Overground Rail Operations Ltd

RMT official circular

Following our acceptance of the Company’s pay offer in April 2010, a supplementary offer was tabled by the Company for Station Grades. This has now been considered by the General Grades Committee that has taken the following decision:-

“That we note the report from the Regional Organiser on proposals for a supplementary agreement for Station Assistants and Station Assistant GPRs on LOROL.

Meeting for RMT members: What next for London Underground Job Cuts Dispute?


All RMT members are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the way forward in our fight against London Underground job cuts, as follows:

Conway Hall, Red Lion Square - nearest station: Holborn, map here

This meeting has been called by RMT's London Transport Regional Council Executive. There will be reports from RMT officers and our Council of Executives member, followed by plenty of opportunity for reps and members to contribute, and the meeting will vote to indicate what it believes is the best way forward.

Please come along if you can, and please pass this message on to fellow RMT members.

RMT National Grades and Equalities Conferences

Below is a list of RMT national conferences for members in various grades and equality groups. These conferences are very useful in bringing together members from different companies and parts of the country who share a common interest because of their grade or group. If you would like to go, or if you have an issue that you would like to see raised at one of these conferences, please contact your branch secretary or attend your next branch meeting.


  • Young Members’ Conference, Plymouth - 24th- 26th

London Underground Job Cuts - ACAS Review Update

Your representatives report ...

Meetings so far have worked on separating the health and safety issues from the industrial relations issues which are contained within the collective grievances. This process took up until 12pm on Friday 14 January, after which reps and managers were due to sort out the timeframes to deal with the industrial relations content in the colective grievances.

Striking Back Against Victimisation

RMT drivers on the Bakerloo line and at the Northern line's Morden depot are today striking against the unjust sackings of workmates Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas. The first photo is of pickets at Eleplant & Castle, the other three of pickets at Morden. To read more information about these sackings, please click on the 'Opposing victimisation' link above.

elephant and castle picket
morden picket

RMT announces strike dates after massive majority vote for action over breakdown of industrial relations at Docklands Light Railway

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today announced 48 hours of strike action on DLR between 03.59 hours Thursday 20th January 2011 and 03.58 hours Saturday 22nd January 2011 in a dispute with Serco Docklands over the following issues: -

  • Failure to consult over redundancies
  • Failure to consult and imposition of new pension arrangements
  • Failure to consult over the introduction of new grades
  • Imposition of a new roster reflecting altered walking times and spreadover times without RMT agreement.
  • RMT claim for a 35 hour working week.

Picket details: Bakerloo and Morden drivers' strikes

In two separate disputes, RMT drivers will be striking on the Bakerloo and Northern lines, starting with the night duties on Friday 14 January and continuing all day Saturday.

Please join the picket lines. Your support will be welcome, whatever length of time you can stay. Here are details of Saturday pickets

  • Saturday from 04:30, continuing all day - Morden depot (to get there by bus, click here)

Update: Talks with TSSA about LU Job Cuts Dispute

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the memorandum stating that the meeting with the TSSA will be held next Wednesday, 19 January, and are disappointed that the meeting could not be held earlier.

We instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of the GGC on Wednesday 19 January, immediately following the meeting with the TSSA.

Asbestos Contamination, Central Line (East End)

RMT General Grades Committee decision ...

That we note the absence of a reply from London Underground on this matter. We instruct the General Secretary to urgently contact the company demanding a reply.

We also seek the views of the relevant branch, Stratford no.1, on how this matter should be pursued, and instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of the GGC once those views have been received.