New RMT Executive representative for London Transport region

JanineRMT members have elected Janine Booth as our new representative on the union's Council of Executives.

You can read about the role of the Council of Executives here.

Phone (office): 020-7529-8810
Phone (mobile): 07900-408493

Janine will be posting regular reports on this website, as well as at RMT branch meetings, Regional Council meetings and around the workplaces.

Solidarity with Dismissed Workers at Istanbul Airport

From the International Transport Workers' Federation

Dear friends

Dismissal workers by the Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport Investment Development and Operation Inc (ISG), Turkey

The ITF has been informed that ISG has dismissed 160 workers without following all the procedures required by Turkish law. Hava-Is has also pointed out that the dismissals occurred just a few days after the ruling by the Court of Appeal confirming the Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s decision that ISG should be treated under the ‘air transport’ branch of activity for the purposes of the trade union establishment procedure. The timing of the dismissals suggests that they may have been a reaction to the court ruling, which is favourable to Hava-Is. Therefore appears to be no economic reason to justify the dismissals of the 160 workers last week.

Nominations for Regional Council Executive

Nominations are open for the following Regional Council officer positions:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Vice President
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Financial Secretary
  • Membership Secretary
  • Political Officer
  • Black and Ethnic Minority Members Officer
  • Women's Officer
  • LGBT Officer
  • Young Members' Officer
  • LU Learner Reps' Co-ordinator

In addition, nominations are open for:

  • 2 auditors
  • 2 trustees
  • 17 members of the Regional Council Executive, preferably one from each branch

Please note that:

RMT Response to London Underground Management Bulletin

From Steve Hedley, RMT Regional Organiser ...

London Underground's Director of Employee Relations has sent out a circular stating that job cuts will be implemented on 6 February and giving the impression that RMT has agreed to this. I would like to clarify that your union has most definitely NOT agreed to this. We are NOT accepting job cuts, because we know the devastating effect the de-staffing of stations will have on our members in all grades and on the travelling public, and because we know that if we back down on this wave of job cuts there will be more to follow.

RMT Objects as London Underground Claims Staff Cuts Benefit Elderly, Disabled and Other Passengers

As a public body, London Underground has to carry out an assessment of the impact of any new policy on various equality issues. The attached file is LU's Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) for its current OSP (policy of cutting 800 mainly-stations jobs). Below is the response to this document that I have written on behalf of RMT. You will see from this that LU's EQIA falls woefully short, and ignores key equality issues.

Notes from Regional Council Executive, 14 December 2010

Attendance: Vaughan Thomas, Adrian Finney, John Reid, Pat O'Brien, Olly New, Dave Rayfield, Janine Booth


Olly reported on:

  • TUC demo, 26 March
  • RMT education centre to expand
  • Parliamentary group report
  • DLR ballot
  • Chris Hutchinson reinstatement
  • ASLEF Boxing Day strike
  • FBU refusal to work ET claims
  • 2x cases of appeals against legal refusals supported
  • LU dispute - request for hardship payments being considered by Finance Sub-Committee
  • 4 Companies Safety Council

TfL Free Travel To Be Provided By - Get a Loan at 2689% APR

TfL have accepted as sponsors of free travel on New Year's Eve.

Wonga is a 'pay day loan' company with a typical APR of 2689%. If you were to borrow a fiver from them for one day - enough to cover a single journey on the tube, you'd owe them £10.60.

For many Londoner's, these loans may seem to be the only way to access funds, more so as decent jobs are cut and employee rights eroded following the ConDem goverments and bosses attacks on working class people - as can be seen at LU where 800 positions will be cut.