Video: Tube Workers And Supporters Protest Outside London's City Hall Over Ticket Office Cuts

RMT and TSSA union activists and supporters urged London Mayor Boris Johnson to reverse ticket office closures on London Underground that will see 800 jobs cut and safety seriously compromised. They delivered 1,500 protest postcards signed by Londoners warning of the dangers of the plan and demanding a rethink. Video filmed and edited by Chris Kasrils.

Reinstate Eamonn and Arwyn: pickets tonight and tomorrow

In two separate disputes, RMT drivers will be striking on the Bakerloo and Northern lines, starting with the night duties tonight (Friday) and continuing all day tomorrow (Saturday).

Please join the picket lines. Your support will be welcome, whatever length of time you can stay.

  • Friday evening, from 22:00 - Queen's Park depot (to get there on London Overground, click here)
  • Saturday from 04:30, continuing all day - Morden depot (to get there by bus, click here)
  • Saturday from 05:00, continuing all day - Elephant & Castle depot (to get there by bus, click here)
  • Saturday from 05:00, continuing all day - Queen's Park depot (to get there on London Overground, click here)

Talks Resume on Stations Job Cuts

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary:

Management, ourselves and TSSA have agreed to the resumption of talks in this dispute with detailed reviews now to take place which had previously been proposed at talks at ACAS in the run up to the last 24 hour strike. These proposals had been withdrawn once we had decided to press on with the last strike day. The reviews are listed below together with the number of representatives allocated to each.

1. Supplementary Safety Review

Duty Managers Grade Progression

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary

Following our member’s earlier rejection of LUL’s proposals on Duty Managers Grades Progression, further talks took place to discuss this matter. It is through our members resolve and determination that an improved deal has now been secured by our negotiating team and the General Grades Committee has decided to hold a referendum of Duty Manager Grades with a recommendation to accept.

Voting papers have now been sent out and the closing date is Tuesday 4th January 2011.

Re-Grading of Shepherd's Bush Station

From Bob Crow, General Secretary

I write to update Branches that a resolution was received from our Central Line West Branch alleging unfair and discriminatory practices against members at Shepherds Bush. I am pleased to advise branches that the matter is now been resolved and the General Grades Committee has decided to close the file.

London Underground Functional Council election results

The following have been elected to serve as functional council representatives, January 2011 to December 2013

  • Trains Council: Glenroy Watson (Finsbury Park branch)
  • Stations and Revenue Council: Mac McKenna (Hammersmith & City branch) & John Reid (Camden 3 branch)
  • Service Control Council (SO 4 seat): Michael Livingstone (Piccadilly & District West)

Sacked Train Operators - Central Line West branch

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary


I write to update Branches that following the unjust economic dismissal of Bro Kevin Mortell and the subsequent industrial action, the General Grades Committee have made the following decision:-

“That we continue to press LUL for a Directors Review and support Brother Mortell in pursuing his Employment Tribunal application”

I will keep all Branches advised of any further developments.


VIDEO: RMT Joins The Fight Against Student Fees

RMT activists joined students and university unions in their protest outside parliament as MPs debated increasing university tuition fees to £9,000 per year. Later, the House of Commons backed the Con-Dem government's proposals by just 323 votes to 302 with a total of 27 Tory and Lib-Dem MPs voting against the government. Students and their supporters have pledged to fight on. Build for the mass anti-cuts demonstration called by the TUC for March 26, 2011. Video filmed and edited by Chris Kasrils.