Result of Ballots for Industrial Action Against Victimisation of Arwyn Thomas

I write to advise branches that the ballot results have been received from the scrutineer and are detailed below for your information.

Morden Traincrew Depot

Are you prepared to strike action?

Votes Cast 59
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 30
Number Voting ‘No’ 29
Spoilt Papers 0

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Votes Cast 59
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 44

Chris Hutchinson Reinstated

From Bob Crow, General Secretary:

I am delighted to advise branches that thanks to pressure from the union and the threat of a ballot for industrial action of all members at Tube Lines, management have seen sense and have reinstated Brother Hutchinson. Management were under no allusion that members were prepared to vote strongly in favour of industrial action in defence of their rep who we believe has been victimised by Tube Lines. I would like to congratulate all involved for successfully getting Chris reinstated to his substantive role.

RMT Calls for New Talks on Job Cuts Dispute

RMT has sent the following letter to London Underground's Director of Employee Relations:


I am writing to propose a way forward with regard the dispute between LUL and the trade unions RMT and TSSA in particular in relation to outstanding safety issues which you withdrew from the table because we would not suspend our industrial action.

Poster: The Two-Faced Twins?

nick cleggboris johnson
Click '1 attachment' / file name to download a poster supporting both our campaign against job cuts and students' campaign against fees and cuts. The poster highlights Nick Clegg's pre-election pledge to vote against fee rises and Boris Johnson's pre-election pledge to oppose ticket office cuts and closures, and lists several ways in which people can support the campaigns.

Students and London Underground Workers: Statement of Mutual Solidarity

We the undersigned representatives of student campaigners and London Underground workers wish to publicly state our support for each others' current struggles against funding cuts, tuition fees and Tube staffing cuts.

We are fighting to defend two essential public services - education and transport - which we believe should be publicly-provided, fully funded and accessible to all. Both services face intense attack under a government hellbent on vicious public sector cuts.


From Bob Crow, General Secretary:

I write to advise branches that brother Ravi Sooriah has been dismissed by LUL following an incident of wrong side opening. It is our firm belief that he is being victimised and has been very harshly treated by management. Following a resolution from his branch the General Secretary has decided to ballot all train grade members at West Ruislip for strike action and industrial action short of a strike. Preparations for the ballot are currently taking place and I shall keep branches advised of any further developments.


Following a meeting of the General Grades Committee regarding the above, the following decision has been taken: -

“That having consulted our representatives, and the report from our lead officer in respect of talks with the company. Despite minor concessions, management continue to press ahead with unacceptable proposals on a series of issues. Furthermore there has been a serious failure to consult with this union before impositions of terms and conditions.


Firstly I would like to congratulate all London Underground members for the solid strike action that recently took place on 29th and 30th November. Management are under no illusion of the strength of feeling over these dangerous and unnecessary cuts.

Over the course of the last week, the General Grades Committee has met twice to discuss the current dispute with London Underground over their dangerous plans for job cuts and the following decision was taken: -