Resolution: ACAS Talks

This resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch, was carried unanimously by the November meeting of the Regional Council.

That this region fails to understand the logic of the talks at ACAS over the station job losses that have excluded our elected Regional Organiser and left the team at ACAS without an elected official to represent and negotiate for us all at these talks. We therefore call on this exclusion to be withdrawn and our Regional Organiser reinstated to these talks.

Resolution: Escalation of LU Job Cuts Dispute

This resolution, submitted (and amended) by Finsbury Park branch, was carried by the November meeting of the Regional Council:

This Region calls upon the union to urgently campaign for an escalation of the action in the dispute regarding jobs and safety on LUL as already agreed at regional level in order to win the dispute.

We recommend that one of the days for action should be Saturday 18th December.

Resolution: LU Jobs and Safety Dispute

This resolution, submitted by Bakerloo branch, proposed by East Ham and seconded by LU Engineering, was carried by the November meeting of the Regional Council.

The LTRC congratulates all RMT and TSSA members for their solidarity and determination to resist the attacks on our job from the tube bosses and the Tory Mayor. We also place on record our thanks and sincere appreciation to those non members who respected our picket lines.

Join our Picket Lines

RMT and TSSA will be picketing around 100 stations, depots and other workplaces - some on Sunday evening, most on Monday throughout the day, starting in the early morning. Please come along and support us. The current list of pickets is below.

Appeal for solidarity from students occupying University College London

Students have sent this appeal to us and to other unions and campaigners.

This is an appeal for solidarity from the students occupying UCL.

We are in the third day of our action in UCL’s central campus against the reductions in state funding for education, the broader scheme of cuts and supporting the London Living Wage for UCL employees.

Management Threats and Bullying

A message from Steve Hedley, RMT Regional Organiser

The RMT strike action and action short of a strike is taking place after a legally held ballot. You may have seen an employee relations bulletin suggesting that you can get into trouble for going on strike or refusing to abide by the 5 pounds minimum top up policy, this is nonsense.