tube strike

Steve Hedley Tube strike thanks everyone who complained

got a right to reply on london tonight about 12 minutes in still not great but better than before Full Programme Repeat | London Tonight - ITV Local Watch Full Programme Repeat of London Tonight (ITV London). Includes Regional News and Weather for London from London Tonight - ITV Local

tube strike

Steve Hedley Tube strike thanks everyone who complained

got a right to reply on london tonight about 12 minutes in still not great but better than before Full Programme Repeat | London Tonight - ITV Local Watch Full Programme Repeat of London Tonight (ITV London). Includes Regional News and Weather for London from London Tonight - ITV Local

Young Members Conference 2011

This is a reminder to get yourselves nominated as delegates to the 2011 RMT Young Members' Conference being held 24th-26th February 2011.

The next Young Members Conference will be held in Plymouth, the cultural and entertainment centre of Devon and Cornwall. Situated on the south coast of Devon, wonderful views are to be had of the sea and surrounding coastline when you can no longer bear to look at the city itself.

Tube Job Cuts Hit London Terror Targets

IN A NEW analysis of the London Underground station job cuts plans RMT has revealed that major terrorist targets are right in the front line of the proposed reductions in staffing numbers.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “At a time of heightened terrorist alert it is gross negligence on the part of LUL to be hacking back the numbers of station based staff at key targets like Canary Wharf, Parliament and the Bank of England."

Flexible Working & Parental Leave Legislation

The following resolution, submitted by LU Engineering branch and seconded by Stratford no.1 branch, was passed unanimously by the November meeting of the Regional Council.

That this Branch deplores the weakness of Flexible Working and Parental Leave legislation. The legislation only requires the Employer to "consider" a request by parents and carers for arrangements which allow them to work and take care of their families.

Defend Arwyn Thomas

ArwynClick '1 attachment' / file name to download this as single-side A4 leaflet (PDF).

There was standing room only in the large function room at Ganleys in Morden. A packed branch / strike meeting kicked off the campaign to defend long standing RMT activist Arwyn Thomas from disciplinary charges following allegations made against him by strike breakers. Morden train operator Arwyn Thomas has been a NUR/RMT member for over 29 years.

The Sun Apologises to RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

On September 15 the Sun ran an anti-union article in which it made false and damaging allegations about RMT General Secretary Bob Crow, suggesting that he had a union-subsidised home and a luxury car.

Neither is true, and the Sun carried an apology, which can be read online here.

The newspaper will also pay £5,000 to the RMT widows and Orphans Fund and will pay the union’s legal costs.

Employment tribunal judge says Eamonn Lynch was victimised!

On the 5th of November 2010 a historic tribunal victory was won by Eamonn Lynch and RMT.

RMT health & safety rep, Eamonn Lynch was sacked by London Underground following an operational error on Network Rail in early August. Eamonn has an unblemished 15 year record and yet was summarily dismissed for making one mistake. It was the RMT’s contention that the real reason Eamonn was sacked was because he is an effective trade unionist and safety representative.