Resolution to Regional Council: Escalation of Industrial Action

This resolution, submitted by East Ham branch and seconded by Camden 3 branch, was carried at to the October meeting of the Regional Council:

This Regional Council notes:

The 24hr strikes and the action short of strike on London Underground have been a very successful in shifting the dynamic between the workforce and LU management.

The co-ordinated action between the RMT and TSSA has been both industrially successful and politically significant in boosting morale and organisation of the rank and file across all sectors.

Alstom pay and conditions referendum result

The referendum for Alstom Metro Trains Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service has now concluded, the matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and the following decision has been taken:-

“That we note the result of the referendum ballot as follows Total Votes Cast 73 Number Voting Yes 46 Number Voting No 27 Spoilt 0

Cleaners: organising plan

Our cleaning grade vice-chair has drafted the following proposal for an organising strategy for cleaners. It will be discussed in detail at the Regional Council Executive meeting on 9 November.

1. Let cleaners know what is happening with ISS & Initial

2. Go out any recruit cleaners from all shifts and both companies

3.Explain what we can do for cleaners

4. Get cleaners to stand for reps as we are short of them

5. Tell cleaners what both companies are doing to the grade and the union

Murder of striking rail worker in Argentina

The Regional Council agreed to send a letter of support to Argentinian trade unionists protesting against this murder.

On October 20 a young railway worker, Mariano Ferreyra, who was only 23 years old, was killed during a blockade as a part of a campaign for the reinstatement of sacked workers of one of the railway lines in Buenos Aires. Mariano was a sacked railway worker of the Roca Line, a university student and also a political activist of a left wing party in Argentina.

Emergency resolution: Stop victimisations

This resolution, submitted by Morden & Oval and seconded by Camden 3, was carried unanimously at the October meeting of the Regional Council.

This Regional Council deplores the disciplinary action being taken against Arwyn Thomas, a dedicated and long-serving activist of this union. We fully support the call for industrial action on the Northern Line in support of Arwyn. We also support the campaigns against victimisation of other reps, including Eamonn Lynch and Peter Hartshorn.

Monthly News Strike Special - October 2010

Please click on the attachment to download a copy of Finsbury Park's Strike Special edition.

In this newsletter:

STRIKE FOR JOBS AND SAFETY - ROUND 3 - How our actions are really hurting the company and why we need to keep up the pressure;

FIREFIGHTERS' STRIKES - LUL managers say there is no danger on the railway arising from the firefighters' strikes. Great. Now read the truth;

Hammersmith and City Branch AGM NEW DATE same venue.

To All Members Annual General Meeting

Due to strike action we will hold the Branch AGM on the 2nd of December 2010 at 1700hrs at the Exmouth Arms (a flyer is enclosed). The AGM elects for the following year positions including: • Branch Secretary and assistant, Branch Chair and Vice Chair, Auditors, Branch membership Secretary and Newsletter Editor. • Local representatives, both Industrial and Health & Safety for • Stations: Liverpool St Group, King’s Cross Group, Baker Street Group, Paddington/’Ladbroke Grove Group x 2.

'Target Stations': leafleting against staffing cuts

RMT members and supporters will be leafleting passengers at several London stations on Friday morning from 8am. We will be dishing out thousands of leaflets explaining our case against cuts in London Underground staffing, and asking people to make their opposition known by sending off a 'protest postcard'. Please join us at one of the following stations: Earls Court, Finsbury Park, Kings Cross, Liverpool Street, Manor House, Oxford Circus, Victoria

ACAS update: review of job cuts begins

Today, a 'review' of London Underground's OSP (job-cutting policy) begins at ACAS. RMT and TSSA members of the Stations functional and safety councils will be presenting our case against the job cuts, covering areas including safety and the impact of new technology. LU managers will also put their case.

Keep checking back here for updates.