Assembly urges Mayor to rethink Tube ticket office staff cuts

NEWS RELEASE from the Greater London Assembly

The London Assembly today called on the Mayor and Transport for London (TfL) to rethink plans to cull up to 800 jobs on the Underground because of the adverse affects for passengers.

The Assembly believes the proposed cuts will damage customer service and leave passengers feeling less safe at stations where only one member of staff is present, particularly early in the morning and late at night.

Message of support to French rail strikers

I have sent the following message of support to French rail strikers. You can read about their action here.


I am writing on behalf of the London Transport Region of the National Union of Rail Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) here in the UK. I write to tell you of our strong support for the action you are taking in defence of pensions.

ACAS Talks Update

Talks at ACAS today concentrated on setting up a review of London Underground's plans to 'reorganise' ie. cut jobs. The talks finished for the day shortly before 6pm, and will reconvene tomorrow at 1pm.

FBU Strike: Pro forma for refusal to work on safety grounds

This coming Saturday (23 October), FBU members in the London Fire Brigade will be on strike. this will mean that the LFB will not be available to provide its usual fire protection service to London Underground.

Click '1 attachment'/ file name to download a pro forma that you can use to invoke London Underground Ltd's safety procedures in the face of any threat to your health and safety. Please download and submit to your manager should you feel that the absence of fire cover places you and/or others in serious and imminent danger.

Support French rail strikers

Workers in national and local rail services in France are on strike to defend their pensions - and they need our support! All grades on the French railway system have been taking strike action as part of a national, general strike movement to force the government to withdraw its proposed pension reform bill. The pensions reform that Sarkozy's government is planning would see early retirement entitlement be taken away from rail workers with physically demanding jobs, and see other workers' retirement ages pushed up by at least two years.

On eve of savage cuts to transport budget RMT exposes massive increase in top salaries at private operating companies

On the eve of the government’s expected announcement of savage cuts to the transport budget, specialist transport union RMT has produced new figures showing that at a time when passengers are being warned to expect fare increases of up to 40% over the next four years it’s bonanza time in the boardrooms of Britain’s main private transport operators.

London Underground Fleet Maintenance Staff Announce Action Over Safety-Critical Cuts

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed this morning that following a massive vote for action London Underground fleet maintenance staff members have been instructed to work only to process instructions (vehicle maintenance instructions), not to carry out higher grade working and not to cooperate with staff movements away from home locations. This action will commence from 00.01 hours on Tuesday 26th October 2010 and will have a major impact.

ACAS Talks Resume Today

RMT negotiators will today attend ACAS to continue talks about our ongoing dispute with London Underground about job cuts. As talks ended last Tuesday, your union's position was as follows:

RMT accepts the invitation of ACAS to participate in the proposed review, beginning on Monday 18 October for two weeks.

Our industrial action remains on, but we will review it dependant on progress in these talks.