Hands off Peter Hartshorn!

Green Park group Industrial Rep, Peter Hartshorn has come under attack by local management. He faces the trumped up allegation of swearing at a DSM, which could result in a CDI and possible dismissal. In reality, the only thing for which Peter is guilty is being an effective local rep prepared to defend his members and stand up to management bullying and intimidation. Read more by clicking on the attachment below.

Finsbury Park Monthly News - October 2010

Click on the attachment below to download the October edition of Monthly News.

In this issue:

  • WORKERS UNITED 2, MANAGEMENT AND SCABS 0. How LUL was floored by the second 24-hour strike;
  • HAND OFF PETER HARTSHORN! Yet another rep faces victimisation at the hands of Piccadilly line management. But we're not standing for it. Defend our reps. Defend Peter Hartshorn!

Neasden Flyer - October 2010


Please Find Attached the October Edition of 'The Neasden Flyer'

Inside this issue
THANK YOU - For Solidarity with Strike Action'
Station Unstaffed - Drivers not to stop
Flats & Seat Tags Safety Standards lapse
RMT Executive election Who your branch has nominated


"This emergency budget deals decisively with our country's record debts"

Research by PCS shows that between 1918 and 1961 the national debt was over 100 per cent of GDP. Today it is 56.3 per cent.

Our debt is lower as a proportion of GDP than the economies of the US, Japan, France and Germany.

"The richest will pay more than the poorest. Not just in terms of cash but as a proportion of income as well"

Jobs cuts dispute: Talks update and change to industrial action in ex-Metronet grades

Official circular from RMT head office

RMT said today that after this union agreed to take part in talks on the basis proposed by ACAS and LUL Management having welcomed this, LUL then announced that they wished to revise the ACAS terms of reference. Talks are therefore adjourned while we await LUL Management putting their new position in writing.

All this followed LUL’s announcement of further job cuts prior to talks at ACAS.

President of the London Transport Region hot off the Evening Standard Press

from Vaughan Thomas printed in the London Evening Standard Letters Page 20 October 2010

TfL claim that only the delays on the Metropolitan Line this week were caused by the RMT's overtime ban, imposed in protest at massive job cuts. But since the start of the ban there have been a series of station closures for part of the day as staff numbers have fallen below minimum numbers at stations including Barbican, Liverpool Street, Lambeth North, Finsbury Park and Charing Cross, and the District and Jubilee Lines have experienced rolling stock shortages.

Disciplinary – Peter Hartshorn and Bullying of Members – Piccadilly Line LUL

RMT's General Grades Committee today made the following decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser, the resolution from our Finsbury Park Branch and we understand that similar concerns are shared by our Piccadilly and District West Branch. There is no doubt that our representative is facing victimisation and must have the full backing of this union.

This matter is referred to the Southern Sub Committee for examination and report.

Job Cuts – London Underground

RMT's General Grades Committee took the following decision today:

We note that after this union agreed to take part in talks on the basis proposed by ACAS, and LUL Management having welcomed this, LUL then announced that they wished to revise the ACAS terms of reference.

Talks are therefore adjourned while we await LUL Management putting their new position in writing.

All this followed LUL’s announcement of further job cuts just prior to talks at ACAS.

More messages of support for our fight against job cuts

"Keep up the struggle against the job cuts. Of course it is political, as Boris keeps reminding us, it would be when you want to sack workers and cause a lot of social conflict.
"It's a shame that the political dominance of ideas has made people so selfish. It doesn't matter if you can't get to work for a couple of days - solidarity with the tube workers."
Carl Linkson, WEA GMB Tutor