ACAS talks collapse as RMT offers binding arbitration and management refuse

Regional Organiser Steve Hedley writes ...

I regret to inform you that despite our best efforts in negotiations at ACAS, talks have broken down due to management's refusal to compromise.The RMT delegation proposed that we should enter binding arbitration on the issue of the criterion for deciding on ticket office opening hours, a process where both sides put their arguments and an independent body decides on the merits of the case. In an action that betrays their lack of any solid justification for massive job cuts, management issued a press statement saying they will not go.

Tribunal order on Eamonn Lynch published - LU is not above the law!

On November 5th 2010, the RMT won a landmark case for health and safety rep Eamonn Lynch at an Interim Relief Tribunal when the Judge awarded a "continuation order". This ruling by the judge means that the view of the Tribunal was that Eamonn had been sacked and victimised by London Underground on the basis of his trade union activity.

Joint Communication sent by: RMT; UNITE; TSSA and ASLEF to LU Employees impacted by Support Services Review

leafletClick '1 attachment' to download this as a PDF.

Following various meeting the Trade Unions have held with London Underground, we feel it would be beneficial to update you on the current situation in respect of Assessment & Selection and also awareness of the implications of applying for the Non Permanent Roles listed by LU.

Assessment & Selection

Positive East: World AIDS Day collections

The late Andy Melvin used to work as a volunteer for this charity based in East London so any support our members can give would be most appreciated by the whole of TfL No.1 Branch

15th - 30th November, Tube station collections
Positive East will be collecting vital funds and distributing red ribbons at tube stations during November and we need your help to make the collections a success. Please give 2 hours of your time to join our friendly team of volunteers and let people know about World AIDS Day while collecting money in support of Positive East:


In ACAS talks today your Union together with TSSA tabled a new proposal to LU management which includes a recommendation for the suspension of industrial action if the management side agree to a twelve week suspension of the implementation of their station staffing cuts proposals to allow for a thorough station-by-station safety evaluation to take place.

RMT offers binding arbitration on ticket offices but rejects “meaningless” safety review in advance of ACAS talks on tube dispute

TUBE UNION RMT today offered binding arbitration on the issue of the level of usage of tube station ticket offices in advance of ACAS talks tomorrow but has rejected as “totally meaningless” management proposals for a safety review that would still see current staffing cuts bulldozed through regardless of the “review” outcome and regardless of the safety implications for the travelling public.

Transport Commisioner Peter Hendy Guardian Interview

Transport For London's commissioner Peter Hendy was recently interviewed by Dave Hill for The Guardian.

In the interview Hendy says that TFL will be facing cuts in its budget of 21% over the next few years. Future job losses are discussed with Hendy foreseeing that "The other thing you take a hit on is the cost of running the place. We will be doing less in some areas, so we will need less people to do it"

Solidarity from SUD-RAIL to Eamonn Lynch and Arwynn Thomas

The RMT received the following message of solidarity from French rail union SUD- RAIL for the the union's campaign to stop the victimisations on the tube:

"French union federation SUD-Rail (SUD for Solidarity, Unity and Democraty) send its full support to RMT activists sacked by London Underground :

- Bakerloo Line driver, Eamon Lynch, RMT health and safety rep,

- Morden driver, Arwyn Thomas, RMT activist.

London Underground must let them work again freely.

Bakerloo Branch AGM

Download the poster advertising the Bakerloo AGM

Thursday December 2nd at 15:00 hours, upstairs in the Clachan, Kingly Street, near Oxford Circus tube station.

Speakers include General Secretary, Bob Crow