Support protests against tripling of student fees

From Bob Crow, General Secretary

The ConDem Government will next week vote on the proposed three-fold increases in student fees, a move that is grossly unfair and potentially affects every family in the country, including those of RMT members.

On Wednesday December 8, joint University and College Union and National Union of Students rallies and demonstrations will be taking place around the country in opposition to the increase.
For details about rallies in your area please contact Justine Stephens at

More support for our strikes

Although much of the tube network is still inaccessible for many disabled people for those of us able to use it we rely very much on staff being available to help us do so. If your staffing levels are reduced further then disabled people will find it more difficult to go out and will once again become isolated in their homes.
We would therefore like to send our support to all the strikers. You are fighting for us as well.
In Solidarity,
Linda Burnip
Disabled People Against Cuts

London Underground Rejects RMT Offer of Binding Arbitration on Ticket Office Opening Criteria

London Underground has refused RMT's offer of binding arbitration on the issue of how the company decides whether a ticket office should be open. Currently, LU has a ticket office open at times when it sells more than 15 tickets per hour. This is already higher than the rail industry standard, and the London TravelWatch recommended figure, of 12 ticekts per hour - LU plans to double the criterion to 30 tickets per hour. Astonishingly, LU seems to believe that a ticket office selling 29 tickets in an hour - as well as resolving ticket problems, giving information and helping customers in other ways - is not busy enough to warrant staying open.

LU Job Cuts Dispute - latest official circular

From Bob Crow, General Secretary

Firstly I would like to congratulate all London Underground members for the solid strike action that recently took place on 29th and 30th November. Management are under no illusion of the strength of feeling over these dangerous and unnecessary cuts.

Over the course of the last week, the General Grades Committee has met twice to discuss the current dispute with London Underground over their dangerous plans for job cuts and the following decision was taken: -

Strike Four!

RMT and TSSA have dealt another blow to London Underground’s plan to decimate staffing levels with a fourth one-day strike on 28/29 November. The action was as effective as previous walkouts, perhaps even more so, as RMT and TSSA members remained solid, and many ASLEF members respected our picket lines. Despite the bitter cold, reps and members picketed up to 100 workplaces.

'RMT London Calling' 30 November 2010: Strike Four!

Click '1 attachment'/ file name to download the new issue of our 'RMT London Calling' newsletter. It reports on the most recent strike, passes on messages of support, promotes our political/public campaign against job cuts, as well as offering support to student protests, reporting on issues on Docklands Light Railway, and encouraging young members to attend RMT's Young Members' Conference.

RMT support student protest

Steve Hedley
The link above shows how the police callously sought to provoke trouble on a peaceful student demo today which was attended by RMT members. One young member was pushed around for no good reason. All trade unionists need to get on these demos to defend the working class childs right to an education , we need many more flags and banners next time.

RMT Education Programme for 2011

The National Education Centre Programme – The centre (Doncaster) continues to be the focal point for our Union’s National Education Programme, within its excellent facilities, there are several courses currently scheduled throughout the year.

Click 'Read More' to find out about the courses planned for next year, or download the attached documents.