Welcome Note


Hi, I'm Les Bruty, H&S Rep At Wembley Park.
I'd like to welcome all members to your local Website pages, somewhere you can vocie your views or annouce someones birthday its your choice.
So please take time to ask your reps to upload your entries.

Protest at Mayor's Question Time - Stop Job Cuts!

Join RMT in protesting outside Mayor's Question Time at London's City Hall (nearest station: London Bridge, map here). We will be handing in the thousands of postcards that Londoners have filled in demanding that cuts to station staffing be withdrawn.

We want lots of protestors to join us, in order to crank up the pressure on the Mayor, to get positive media coverage, and to maintain the momentum of our campaign.

RMT announces action in two separate disputes over victimisation of underground train operators Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas

IN TWO separate disputes over the victimisation of RMT London Underground activists the union today announced action in support of train operators Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas.

This strike is not just about Eamonn Lynch. This is about you!

Bakerloo Branch has produced a newsletter on upcoming strike to stop the victimisation of Eamonn Lynch. Click on the attachement to download it. Main story follows:

RMT calls strike action. Do not book on for any duty between 21:00 hours from Friday 17th of December until 20:59 Saturday 18th of December
This strike is not just about Eamonn Lynch. This is about you!

Resolution for a national 'SOS: Staff Our Stations' campaign

Stratford no.1 branch is submitting the following resolution to RMT's Station and Associated Grades Conference:


This conference recognises the full-scale onslaught by employers on station staffing levels. This is a threat to station staff jobs, to safety and service standards, and to the help available to other grades.

We request the union to launch and run a national campaign entitled 'SOS: Staff Our Stations', to include:
- industrial action against any attacks by employers on station staffing

RMT Says No to Fees and Cuts!

RMT's London Transport Regional Council is out demonstrating with students and others today against government plans to charge exhobitant tuition fees and cut funding to further and higher education. We believe that our colleges and universities should be accessible to all, not just to the few who can afford to pay for it.

Representation of LU Fleet Grades

From Bob Crow, General Secretary:

Our LU Fleet branch submitted a resolution regarding the unfair treatment of our CMO Fleet members as a result of new imposed London Underground machinery, which has in effect resulted in them not getting the representation they deserve.

This matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and the following decision has been taken:-

Result of Ballots for Industrial Action Against Victimisation of Eamonn Lynch

From Bob Crow, General Secretary

I write to advise branches that the ballot results have been received from the scrutineer and are detailed below for your information:-

Elephant and Castle Station

Are you prepared to take Strike Action?

Total Votes Cast 2
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 1
Number Voting ‘No’ 1
Spoilt Papers 0

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 2
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 2
Number Voting ‘No’ 0