LU stick two fingers up to the law and Bakerloo Drivers

Click on the attachment to see the latest Bakerloo Branch newsletter.

Main story follows:

LU stick two fingers up to the law and Bakerloo Drivers

Double standards from London Underground have reached a new high. As all drivers are aware, RMT are campaigning for LU to see reason and comply with the law on the discrimination and victimisation of Eamonn Lynch. Eamonn followed instructions from the Network Rail signaller and Bakerloo Control Room and was sacked as a result.

Power Control Room and Track Access Control: RMT to hold referendum of members on grade progression

General Grades Committee decision ...

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser. We agree that the offer from London Underground to our members regarding grade progression is unacceptable, and instruct the General Secretary to conduct a referendum of members in the LU Power Control Room and a referendum of Track Access Controller members, with a recommendation in both cases to reject the company’s offer. We instruct the General Secretary to send a personal letter to all members in these grades explaining the union’s stance.

DLR: Decision for Strike Action

RMT's General Grades Committee adopted the following report from the Southern Sub-Committee:

Following consultation with our Docklands Light Railway branch, we instruct our members on Serco Docklands to take strike action and action short of strikes in pursuit of our dispute over the breakdown of industrial relations as follows:

Members are instructed not to book on for any shifts commencing from 03:59 on Thursday 20 January until 03:59 on Saturday 22 January.

Feeder Rank System - Heathrow Airport Taxi Drivers

Decision from RMT's General Grades Committee

That we note the accounts of the HALT Society and the resolution of our London Taxis branch (12/1/11) calling on us to bring the issue regarding Heathrow Airport Licensed Taxis (HALT) to a satisfactory conclusion for our members by taking the necessary legal action.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting as soon as practical with our legal representatives and London Taxis branch officers to pursue this matter.

Notes from Regional Council Executive, 11 January 2011

Attendance: Vaughan Thomas, Adrian Finney, Janine Booth (Council of Executives member), Mac McKenna, John Reid, Arwyn Thomas, John Kelly, Andy Littlechild, Peter Hartshorn (for first item), Roy Carey, Steve Hedley (Regional Organiser), Ross Marshall, Bob McMunn, Jackie Darby, Glenroy Watson, Val Barzey, Neil Hodgson
Apologies: Adrian Rowe, Lewis Peacock, Paul Jackson, Unjum Mirza, Becky Crocker


Peter addressed the meeting about his victimisation; his CDI takes place tomorrow. Branch leaflet circulated.


Massive Majority Vote For Action At Docklands Light Railway

TRANSPORT UNION RMT members have voted by a massive majority for action in a dispute with Serco Docklands.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said “Management at Serco Docklands continue to show total disregard for the idea of proper negotiation and consultation with this trade union on a number of issues and have also victimised and dismissed two of our colleagues. Our members have shown in this massive vote for action that they will not be bullied and treated with contempt."

RMT Council of Executives report, 12 January 2011

Report from Janine Booth, your Council of Executives member

  • I was elected last Tuesday (4 January) - thanks for support.
  • I have been appointed to the following Executive subcommittees - Equal Rights, Olympics, General Finance, Staffing, Health & Safety - disappointed not to have others eg. Publicity and Propaganda, but membership of these committees was decided before I was elected.
  • RMT grades and equalities conferences will be taking place over the next few months - all branches, please send delegates and resolutions.


From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow:

I write to advise members of the latest situation in our dispute with London Underground over their planned job cuts. Many of you may have today seen the totally false reports made by the BBC that RMT had decided not to call strike action in January. Please be assured that this statement is totally false and your Executive continues to deliberate on the way forward. Nothing has been ruled in or ruled out at this stage.

The General Grades Committee has today met to discuss the dispute and the following decision has been taken: -

Breakdown in Industrial Relations - Serco Docklands - Ballot result

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the ballot result is as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 198
Number Voting Yes 162
Number Voting No 36
Spoilt 0

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 198
Number Voting Yes 175
Number Voting No 21
Spoilt 2