RMT wins second interim hearing over victimisation of LU train operator on grounds of trade union activities

TUBE UNION RMT today demanded an end to London Undergound’s campaign of bullying and harassment of union activists as the organisation won a second “interim relief” hearing at the Employment Tribunal in Croydon yesterday in the case of sacked Northern Line train operator Arwyn Thomas.

RMT calls for ORR investigation as LU cuts leave stations unstaffed again at weekend and infrastructure failure leads to rush hour chaos

TUBE UNION RMT today called for a full ORR investigation into breaches of safety on London Underground after the union’s safety reps revealed that stations along the Central Line were left unstaffed last night due to cuts-led staff shortages.

The news, coming just a week after a brutal assault at unstaffed West Finchey station, nails the lie, repeated by Mayor Boris Johnson and his senior officials on a regular basis that “no station will be left unstaffed at any time” as a result of their cuts.

RMT Organises Workers in Carlisle Cleaning and Support Services

RMT's General Grades Committee has agreed a detailed campaign to organise workers in Carlisle Cleaning and Support Services. This is a national campaign, which will initially start outside our Region. However, it is relevant to our Region, as Carlisle holds contracts in London Transport, including TfL/LU secruity staff and Docklands Light Railway cleaners.

Here is the full GGC decision:

RMT Denounces LU's Sacking of Another Rep

Extract from the RMT General Grades Committee's decision on Wednesday 19 January, the day that London Underground sacked our Green Park group rep, Peter Hartshorn ...

We are disgusted to hear that London Underground has summarily dismissed our representative Peter Hartshorn on trumped up charges of swearing at a manager despite witnesses stating otherwise. The alleged incident took place while Peter was carrying out trade union duties and it is clear that the company has victimised him for his activities as a representative of this union.

Urgent appeal: Jailed woman trade union leader in Bangladesh

From LabourStart ...

It has now been more than five weeks since the illegal arrest of Moshrefa Mishu, President of the Garment Workers Unity Forum in Bangladesh (pictured).

There was no warrant for her arrest at the time that heavily-armed plainclothes officers took her off to jail, where she remains - in poor health and badly treated.

Her real crime was leading a protest campaign to demand the implementation of the legal minimum wage.


I write to advise members that a joint meeting of RMT and TSSA was held on Wednesday 19th January 2011 to discuss the current job cuts dispute. It was agreed that we continue to take part in the ongoing review process and we will advise you of developments when the work of the reviews become clearer.

Bob Crow
General Secretary

Personal Thanks For Your Support




Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, I was summarily dismissed from LUL on October 13th 2010.
This letter is my chance to set out the facts of the case rather than the half truths, rumours and spin LUL have chosen to fill the media with.

On August 9th my train had a defective trip cock at Stonebridge Park. When this incident was being investigated, I was given assurances by Bakerloo senior managers that my job was not on the line and I would face a misconduct charge at the most.

'RMT London Calling', January 2011: Release These Hostages!

The new issue of our 'RMT London Calling' newsletter explains that London Underground's victimisation of Eamonn Lynch, Arwyn Thomas and Peter Hartshorn is an act of hostage-taking against the union.

It also reports on the strike on Docklands Light Railway later this week, and reports in details on the up-to-date siutation with our fight against London Underground job cuts.

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it. Click 'read more' to read the main article.